A few concerns have bubbled to the surface today

Gavin missed his IVIG Infusion yesterday because his supplies never showed up. I called the pharmacy and they are apparently waiting on a new order from his doctor. They expect to have that some time today and then we should get the supplies this week sometime. This always makes me nervous and I know it upsets Gavin because not only does it break his routine but he also misses an infusion. As much as he hates these life saving infusions, he hates missing them even more. He's feeling a little better knowing that he might have his supplies before his next scheduled Infusion on Friday. Mr. Emmett hasn't been feeling well today. He ended up in my room at some point last night because he had a stomach ache. He…


We escaped for a little while today

The kids had a mixed bag kind of day because life is just getting to be a bit much lately. I got the kids to school and we made it through the school day. I mean, it's remote learning so we didn't have to go very far but it can still be a challenge. Everyone is current on their school work and that's awesome. I'm so proud of my guys. There was a good bit of fighting today because, as I said, they're just done with everything going on around us. They tested my patience and I'm not afraid to say that. After Elliott finished up class, I decided to take them for a short hike. We were only out for about an hour and didn't run into any another…

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Communicating with my adult #autistic son

I've mentioned this a few times before but Gavin and I have a unique relationship. We're very very close and direct with each other. I've learned over 20 years that Gavin needs people to be very direct with him. If you give him any room to interpret the meaning in your words, he will often struggle to understand. That's just part of who he is and that's okay. From the outside, it can seem like I'm being mean but in reality, I'm not. If I used this approach with someone else, I might agree but sometimes we have to cater our approach to the needs of the person we're trying to approach. Here's an example of what I'm talking about. If Gavin is talking too much, which he's known to…


T-minus 30 Days

We're just beginning to wade into 2021 and there are already some major changes coming our way. Perhaps the most important is the finalization of my divorce. Lizze and I learned that exactly 30 days from today, our divorce will be final. That's a good deal faster than either one of us had planned on. We had projected that we would be looking at the second or third week in February at the earliest. This really doesn't change anything but it just pushes the date forward a bit. Nothing aside from that has changed. I guess I was knocked back a little because I had prepared myself for a later date but I supposed sooner is better than later. The kids are aware of this and while they aren't aware…


Check out @NoNetzSuits sensory friendly clothing

It's no secret that sensory issues have impacted my kids for years. Clothing has been one of the most challenging for Emmett in particular. Socks have been difficult for him but we can more easily work around him not wearing socks. Unfortunately, there are some items of clothing that we really can't easily go without. Shirts are currently a struggle. We've been on lockdown for well over 300 days and aside from school, shirts aren't absolutely necessary when we never leave home. The problem with him just not wearing one is that it makes it much harder for to wear them when he needs to. That brings me to my reason fo writing this post. I was recently introduced to a clothing company called NoNetz. They sent some sample clothing…


Why Busy Parents Should Invest in an Air Fryer

In a perfect world, we would all butcher our own meat, grow our own organic vegetables, and water them with unicorn tears. But in reality, we are just too busy. We have a job, kids, schoolwork, piano lessons, and soccer practice. This easily gives me an excuse to eat fast food and put my family’s health at risk. Though fast food can be fun for a rare treat, We know that whole foods with little to know chemical processing are the best bet.  That’s where an air fryer became my new BFF. These things are so speedy. Not everyone has time to wait on the large oven as it heats to 375. Practice starts at 7 pm! This handy appliance is a hero! Mine will heat up very quickly. Some…

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My kids had to learn about Trumps attempted coup in school today

We've made it through the first week back at school and we're doing pretty awesome. Emmett is completely current as is Elliott. This has been a challenge for autistic kids in regards to remote learning. I've spoken with tons of parents dealing with the same or worse. Lots of kids don't even show up to class every day. I I feel pretty good at this moment in time because the boys are adjusting to the change, finally. It's only taken half a school year but we have made progress. That's a positive thing and I'm crazy proud. We had a rough day yesterday because you know, an army of stupid Trump supports literally laid siege on the Capitol Building, in a attempted coup. The goal being to ensure a second…

Read more about the article Three top tips for how you and your family can lead a healthier lifestyle in 2021
Photo by Allan Mas on Pexels.com

Three top tips for how you and your family can lead a healthier lifestyle in 2021

The month of January is seen by a lot of people as an opportunity for a fresh start, a chance to reflect on life goals and changes you want to make over the course of the upcoming year in the form of new year’s resolutions. Due to the parties and overindulgence of the festive period, many people strive to lead a healthier lifestyle in the new year. If this is something you would like to do but need some inspiration on how to go about it, read on for three top tips for how you and your family can lead a healthier lifestyle in 2021.  Photo by Allan Mas on Pexels.com Make exercise fun The idea of having to slog for hours on a treadmill at the gym can quickly…