The Final Letter: When the school fails to effectively discipline my son’s bully

I picked up the boys from school on Monday afternoon and just prior to them walking out, I was greeted by who I think is the interventionist. It hadn't occurred to me that she would be a resource. She was quite upset and apologetic about what's been happening to Elliott.  Having just learned about it, she has assured me it will be dealt with swiftly on Tuesday morning. Why she's just now hearing about this if just one of the many questions I have.  It's not that I don't believe her. She's very genuine and frankly, the reaction she had to this is what everyone's reaction should have been all along.   Having said that, I won't let up until I know this has been put to bed.  In the…


I’m waiting to find out how the school day went for my kiddos

My day thus far has been spent in and out of consciousness. 😁  I woke up today feeling like complete garbage and seeing as I only got about three hours of sleep, I have spent the first part of the day under a blanket and passed out on the couch.  I am feeling a little better having gotten some sleep, but I'm still under the weather.  As a result of my needed downtime today, Gavin's IVIG infusion had to be put off until tonight. That's not a big deal because we sometimes do it at night anyway.  The boys have made it the whole day at school, and that's an awesome thing cause that means they're feeling better.  I'm just waiting for them to come out the door before I…


Really good news and a bit of bad news

There are quite a few things to celebrate on this first Monday of December. For starters, both boys are currently at school, and that's good because it means they're feeling better.  To raise things to a new level of awesome, Mr. Emmett wore his socks and slippers to school without a single issue. In fact, he put them on without being asked. Frankly, I haven't a clue what happened there but we just ran with it.☺  Elliott had some problems this morning, but we worked through them.  On the downside, whole I thought I was feeling better last night, I'm feeling pretty shitty today. I barely slept last night and haven't moved much since the boys went to school.  I'm trying to take it easy today because I've probably on…


A few random pictures from this #Autism family’s weekend

Not everything needs to be all serious all the time. Sometimes it's nice to just share some random things that happen in our day to day lives that don't always make it to the blog.  These are moments that pop up during our day and sometimes even at night.  When people ask me how I do it, I usually say that it's moments like these that give me the strength to push through the struggles and keep fighting the good fight..  ☺ 💙 


The Lighter Side of #Autism Parenting: Precious Moments

It's been a really long weekend. The boys and I either are sick or slowly getting over being sick. I'm pretty sure the boys will return to school in the morning. They're all sleeping right now and that's a good sign heading into the new week.  There's a bunch more to talk about but I wanted to share an adorable picture I took when I went to check on Emmett tonight. 


Here’s where I’ve been

It's been a couple of days since I've made a new entry. The reason for that is simple. I'm sick, as are the two youngest. Lizze is showing signs again of fighting off the same thing. She started with a cough last night.  Gavin's the only one without any symptoms and feeling fine. That's a blessing because if he ended up sick, it could be a bad thing. The boys were tentatively supposed to go hang out with their grandparents today, but I don't think that's a good idea considering how they sound. I feel like shit today, but I'm in good spirits.  It's been a long weekend, and I don't know if the boys will be returning to school in the morning or not. I need to get to the store…


I haven’t felt this bad in awhile 

It's been awhile since we've had so many of us sick at once. So far it's still just Elliott, Emmett and myself. Lizze is still avoiding the bug and thankfully, so is Gavin.  Personally, I haven't felt this bad in awhile.  I'm hoping to write more later but for now, this is all I have the energy to do.