The boys have been challenging this morning 

Alexa woke me up at 8am this morning (I told you I'm hooked on home automation) and that left us with about thirty minutes to get ready. At 9am, Lizze had an appointment and the boys and I were taking her there.  Elliott and Emmett have been super challenging so far but I'm hoping to work off some of their energy in the giant playroom under Dr. Pattie's office, while we wait for Lizze to finish her appointment.  There's nothing really on the schedule for today, aside from Lizze spending some time with her Mom this afternoon.  I happen to think that's a great idea and I'm more than happy to chill with the kids while she's out.  It's important that we both take time to ourselves and that's exactly…


I have a MAJOR confession to make

My wife loves watching Dr. Phil and over the years, I've picked up a few things. The biggest thing I've taken away from the many years of my wife watching his show is that you can't change what you don't acknowledge.  I'm very much aware of my being overweight but I'm having a really hard time holding myself accountable.  My thought is that if I confess my weight to all of you and share my plans for weight loss, as well as my goals, perhaps this might help me to remain motivated.  Here's the deal and the absolute humiliating truth. I weigh about 318 lbs. I carry it well but the weight is a huge problem for me.  It all began after I suffered a major, career ending back injury…


General Update: Midway through Christmas break

We're now midway through Christmas break and time seems to have flown by. Things started out kinda crazy today cause the boys were all over the place. We're transitioning the boys ADHD care to their primary pediatrician but there's a gap where they will be without their meds. I've put a request in with their previous provider to see if we can get a refill to cover the gap but Adderall is pretty controlled and I'm not sure if they will. I let Lizze sleep in until lunch time because she really needs the rest right now and the boys and I just sorta hung out all morning. One of my next Vivint related entries will be discussing how the Amazon Echo can integrate with the Vivint Smart Home System.…


I try to remember that it could always be worse

I'm feeling pretty good as the day comes to a close. Don't get me wrong, it was a day full of ups and downs but we weathered the storm. There are some things I'll talk about in the morning but for right now, I want to focus on the positive.   The boys are sleeping and Lizze appears to be feeling a bit better, at least from what I can see. We have a roof over our heads and our house is warm.  I was even motivated enough to jump on the treadmill today and squeeze in over thirty minutes. That's big for me..  ☺  It's not always easy but I try to remember that life is full of ups and downs. As long as we survive the day and do…


Loving someone with mental health issues isn’t easy but totally worth the effort

Today's been hit or miss. The boys are doing pretty good this afternoon and that's certainly a welcomed change. Gavin seems to be struggling more at the moment. He almost seems a bit manic because the incessant talking and almost zero impulse control are usually tell tale signs. His thought processes are more scattered than usual and he's struggling more with his everyday tasks. I'm not super concerned at this point because we're still in the middle of the holidays and this kind of decompensation is to be expected. I'll begin to worry if it lasts much past the first week of January. Lizze has had a pretty rough day. I'm learning that bipolar disorder is different in adults than in younger people. Gavin presented very differently because his default…


Everything I am is completely depleted

No one wanted to wake up this morning. At 8:30 am, everyone was still sleeping, and I had to get everyone up and moving because we had a 9:00 am appointment. Thankfully it didn't take too much prodding to get everyone's cooperation and we made it on time. I haven't been able to gauge how Lizze is doing today but things have definitely calmed down since last night. Personally, I'm feeling completely exhausted and I'm struggling to stay awake. Thankfully, after this appointment, we don't have anything until 5:00 pm this evening.


I received the best Christmas present ever

In my last entry, I talked about some rather unpleasant things and I want to take a minute to clarify something important.  The boys had a really good Christmas and so did we. It was really nice to spend time with my parents over the holiday. It was also nice to spend Christmas day with my in-laws.  I told my mother in law last night that I really appreciated being there because I took it for granted before the separation.  We've had a hiccup and the boys have been in rare form but it's been a good Christmas as far as I'm concerned. The absolute best gift I could have received was having my family whole and Santa delivered. 😁