Please tell me it’s bedtime 

OMG.... I've had my hands full today with the boys. Gavin's been driving me nuts with his constant talking but he's also been a huge help today and I'm super grateful for that. Elliott and Emmett on the otherhand have been fighting all day long.. I've lost count of how many meltdowns Emmett's had today and I'm not looking forward to getting him ready for school in the morning. A day like today is not a good sign of what's to come. I'm really looking forward to bedtime because I need some quiet tonight. I'd love to be able to hear myself think.


Can you relate to this? 

Good morning all. I'm writing this thoroughly exhausted. Elliott was unable to fall asleep last night. He tried for almost five hours and just couldn't sleep. By the time he talked to us he was really frustrated. We ended up camping out in the living room. It still took him another hour to fall asleep but at least he fell asleep. It should go without saying that I'm fucking tired and want nothing more than to fall asleep. To make matters worse, the boys have been watching the annoying orange on YouTube and I think I can actually feel my brain cells dying because that show is so stupid. On the positive side, at least it's entertaining them and that means no one is fighting. Are there any shows that…


It’s been a tense morning

It's been a tense morning for some reason. Everyone appears to be on edge and I don't know why. I'm hoping for a quiet first half of the day. We have no plans for today and I'm totally good with that. The boys and I are watching the newly released season 4 of Ninjago on Netflix. My kids are very much into this kinda stuff.


I’m grateful tonight

Lizze is getting some shut eye and the boys and I are hanging out. We made pancakes for dinner and I focused more on serving sizes this time around and we had far less waste.. ☺ Gavin's getting his infusion and I'm writing this, while the boys are working together in the Xbox. It's almost bedtime and I'm feeling really good about this evening because it was pleasant. I was able to get some things done, make dinner and hangout with the boys.. I'm also glad that I was able to do this without needing to wake the wife. She's not been feeling well and needs some extra sleep. I'll probably put the kids down for the night and check on Lizze before settling in for some of whatever I…

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Today’s Victory: My kids owned the school day

The boys had a great day at school today, despite the way it was started. In my mind, that's a total victory. Elliott had a great day as well and hasn't had another issue with the kid that was bullying him last year. This of course, is super awesome as well and I'm so grateful for that.   I should also point out that Emmett received the results of his state testing and not only did he pass with flying colors, he passed at the accelerated level. This means he will be able to move on to fourth grade next year.  Unfortunately, he has to take the test again in the Spring, even though it won't count for him. The way we test kids in school is ridiculous in this…


It’s was a sh!tty morning for this #Autism Dad

This morning sucked. On the positive side though, both boys got to school but it was a shifty, meltdown filled morning in The Autism Dad household. Elliott was pretty hyper but mostly cooperative and that's awesome. Emmett was another story all together. He's been having a rough time falling asleep at night since Christmas break threw his routine off and we've lost most all of the progress we'd made in that area. He's not getting enough sleep and that exacerbates the sensory related challenges we face every single morning in regards to shoes and socks. It was an absolute nightmare today and we battled for at least thirty minutes before he finally kept his shoes and socks on long enough to make it out the door, into the almost 0°F…