Can you identify the 2 reasons we experienced massive meltdowns this week? 

While I feel as though we had a pretty good week, there were two things that I can pinpoint that triggered meltdowns from my youngest of three with Autism. Meltdowns are a very dynamic phenomenon because while it's common for kids with Autism to experience them, the triggers, duration and severity of the meltdowns can and will vary from person to person. As parents, I feel like we're always on the lookout for things that will trigger a meltdown and then do whatever we can to avoid those triggers. Sometimes triggers are obvious and other times, not so much. There are times when our kids will have meltdowns and we never know what's triggered it. Typically speaking, we're usually looking at sensory issues as the trigger to many, if not…


My son is being bullied again at school 

It's been a couple of months since we've had any issues with this kid that's bullying Elliott at school. I thought we were past all this crap. In fact, I even stopped asking about it because every time I asked Elliott, there wasn't a single issue. As Elliott was getting into the car today after school, I could see on his face that something was wrong. Before I could even ask what was wrong, he said don't bother asking about my day today because it was a terrible or something to that extent. 🙁 Of course I asked him anyway and he unloaded his frustration. Apparently, this same kid began taunting Elliott in class.  He was telling Elliott that he had taken something from him and it was in his pocket.…


Huge Update: We need to get caught up

Rather than break this into a few different posts, I figured I would write these updates into one post, complete with videos and pictures from the last few days. So much has happened this week and as usual, I've fallen behind a bit. Now it's time that we play catch up...  Let's begin with the boy's return to Occupational and Speech Therapy this week. They've been off for a month or so due to the holidays and sickness. Both Emmett and Gavin were thrilled to get back at it.  Gavin's in Speech while Emmett's in Occupational Therapy. Both of the boys did well and they had a great time.  Check out the video and pictures of the boys in action..  ☺ Next up is family therapy. Dr. Pattie gifted…


Today’s a very special day

I wanted to share a something about why today is so special for our family. It was on this day back in 2000, that Gavin was born. Mr. Gavin is seventeen years old today and we are so blessed to have him in our lives. He's come such a long way over the years and I couldn't be any prouder of the young man that's he's becoming... ☺ Happy Birthday Gavin. We love you very much..


I was absolutely horrified by what my son with #Autism told me today

Gavin shared something with us that came out of nowhere and caught us completely off guard. Gavin's always talking about something and honestly it gets to the point where we have to filter him out at times.  The other day, Gavin was talking to me about the random things that he always does. I had started to tune the talking out and had just about done so successfully, when I heard a name that I hadn't heard in a really long time.   I was instantly snapped back into the conversation and this is what Gavin told me.  Continued on page 2 He explained that he had a really bad nightmare. In this nightmare, someone was slicing his (Gavin's) hands open with the a large knife. That was creepy enough but it's…


I completed my Daddy-Do list today

My day is finally winding down and aside from dinner and putting the kids to bed later on, my Daddy-Do list is finished. I was able to put a check mark in every single box today, except time on the treadmill. I just wasn't home enough today to do that. I'm hoping to check that off the list in the morning. The boys have done really good today and I'm super proud of them, especially considering how nonstop today has been. After the kids go down, I'll bring you all up to speed on how therapies went today and something worrisome, Gavin told us about.  Stay tuned..


The boys finally return to therapy

The boys make their return to therapy for the first time since early December. With the holidays, there were therapists on vacation and offices closed. It's been about a month since they've been to therapy.  Gavin is returning to Speech and Emmett is returning to Occupational therapy.  Both boys are super excited and look forward to returning to Akron Children's Hospital.. 


It’s been nonstop today

It's been a busy day already. I took the boys to school and afterwards went to get the water jugs filled. Unfortunately, they weren't open yet so I returned home and finished getting ready for a service guy that was coming out. I even had a business call as well. It's about noon and I finally have a little bit of time before my next thing I have to do, so I figured I'd try and write a few things and then move on with my day. So far so good.  Elliott and Emmett did great this morning, as did Gavin. I have still been thinking that today is Monday but I've put an it's Tuesday wallpaper on my phone and tablet, as a reminder. ☺ All in all, it's…