My son is missing his critical medications for the month

A large part of my stress load today is the result of Gavin's IVIG supplies never showing up.  I was contacted on Friday by the supplier who said that Gavin's shipment is delayed because they have been unable to get refills from the doctor. They were going to fix this yesterday but that never happened.  I spoke with Gavin's doctor today and they have never been contacted for a refill or it would have been done immediately. I believe them because we've never had a single issue with them in five or six years.  The doctor's office also stated that Gavin current script covers him through May of this year and he doesn't even need a refill yet.  They are currently working to resolve this and have checked in with…


I’m heartbroken over forcing my son with #Autism to go to school today

I woke up exhausted, but in a good mood. That mood carried me through until it came time to get Emmett in his shoes and socks.  Lizze worked for quite some time with him on being able to tolerate his shoes and socks. Unfortunately, despite her best efforts and massive amounts of patience, we never resolved anything for more that a few minutes.   Emmett was okay with things until he got in the car and I began making the drive to school.  At this point he's freaking out, screaming and ripping his shoes off again. This lasted the entire trip to the school and I wasn't in the best place to deal with this.  When we got to school, I had to park the car because he wouldn't get…


We have a problem that needs to be resolved today

If I had to describe how I slept last night, I would probably say shitty. I had a really hard time getting comfortable and would wake up because my back was killing me.  Then at some point, both Elliott and Emmett took turns waking up.  Despite a rough night, I'm actually in a pretty good mood. Lizze has an appointment this morning and Gavin and I will be walking while she's there.  We have a full day of appointments ahead of us today, as well as some problems to overcome. The biggest one being the fact that we haven't received Gavin's IVIG infusion supplies yet and were unable to perform his infusion yesterday.  Resolving this will be the priority today.  I hope everyone is having a decent Tuesday thus far.…


When to hold a special needs child accountable 

I love having the boys home but I hate these four-day weekends because they totally throw me off the following week. All day today I thought it was Sunday because the boys were home from school. I'll end up being a day off for most of the week.  😁  Putting that aside, I think we had a pretty good extended weekend.  We didn't have the money to really go anywhere but we took the kids walking,  three out of the last four days. In total, we did about five or six miles and that's pretty good.  Emmett was in flipflops because he wouldn't tolerate his shoes but he only had a couple of issues within that five or six miles, where his feet were bothering him.  I'm hoping to make…


We had such and awesome day today

We had a really awesome day. Aside from a few hiccups discussed in an earlier post, by all accounts we had a great day.  Lizze and I took the boys walking again today, right before dinner.  Unfortunately, we were competing with dusk and had to cut our walk short but I took all that into account when planning our turn around point. We ended up walking 2.02 miles and I didn't have to carry anyone. ☺  Emmett only had one my foot feels funny incident during the entire walk and that's awesome.   Our goal is to head out earlier in the day tomorrow and not so close to sundown. We'd like to do this as often as the weather allows because we're working on a healthier lifestyle and walking…


Why I sent my #specialneeds son to his room

It's been one of those days were Gavin being Gavin has really been challenging for me. It's not his fault and I'm not angry with him at all but I am frustrated, exhausted and overwhelmed.  The issue for me is that he's not functioning at a very high level today and he's creating more work for me as a result. I'm having to constantly chase after him, keep him from hurting himself in accident and the repetition.. OMG the repetition..  Some of you will understand that statement, some of you will be empathetic and others will think I'm putting Gavin down. The reality is that I'm voicing my frustrations over a situation I'm currently existing in. Speaking about my feelings, has absolutely no impact on whether or not I love…


Very Important Update About Gavin

It's been a trying day but I've learned one thing that I believe I can say with absolute confidence, Gavin off of Lithium is NOT a good thing.  I'm sure Lizze will put her two cents in at some point but having discussed this last night, I know she agrees. I suppose I should clarify that Gavin hasn't stopped taking Lithium completely but his dose has been cut in half and it's very clearly no longer effective. The purpose of doing this was to try and clear up some of his confusion. It's possible that being on the Lithium for ten years, in combination with the Clozapine, created a high level of confusion. Anyway, his dose was cut in half for thirty days in order to see if this was…


Here’s some pictures from today

It's been a really long day. I was up with a sick Emmett last night and now I'm up with a sick Elliott tonight.  I promise I'll get some writing done soon but until then, I thought I would at least share some pictures from our day. These pictures span across most of the day and aside from Elliott being sick, everything was positive.  I'll work on getting caught up after I get some sleep.