It seems like the right thing to do

Lizze and I have decided to keep the boys home from school tomorrow. They're going to be a mess and there's no benefit to sending them. They will be going to my parents house for the afternoon. That's not going to take the pain away but they will be much more comfortable there than at school. This is going to be hard on everyone and knowing the boys will be with my parents is a comfort. I don't know if this is the right decision but it seems like the right thing to do.


The boys are heartbroken

The boys both came home from school today having not eaten anything the whole day. Elliott spent a part of the day crying, as did Emmett. They're really stressed out about losing Cleo. It hadn't occurred to me that Elliott and Emmett have never existed without Cleo. She's been a big part of their lives for their entire lives. I hadn't thought about that before now. This is a much bigger deal from them than I was originally thinking. Cleo was there for them during the separation, and if you recall, Emmett used to snuggle her like a teddy bear. She would tolerate it until he fell asleep and she would sneak away without waking him up. For the first time in their entire lives, they will go to sleep…


We’re heartbroken about tomorrow

The whole having to put Cloe down tomorrow is weighing heavy on us. This time tomorrow, we will be heading to the vet and saying our last goodbyes. Lizze is taking this particularly hard because Cleo has always been glued to her for some reason. Cleo is the kind of cat who always seems to know when you need her attention. We don't even know when we need her attention until she makes it clear that we do. Lol We've had to put down a few animals in our time and it was horrible. My cat Frost, was struck by lightning and survived. He eventually needed put down because of serious internal injuries that presented a few weeks later. There was nothing we could do. 🙁 Lizze had a seven…


Does this mean we’re famous? LOL

I wanted to share this because it was really cool and Emmett is super excited. As I've shared previously, I've been using the Nokia Thermo Smart Thermometer to keep track of Emmett fevers. (See How the Thermo Smart Thermometer made our lives easier). We absolutely love this thing and I wrote a very honest review and Emmett was a big part of it. We shared the experience we've had using this device and how it's made tracking a very complicated fever disorder much easier and more efficient. Nokia was very interested in our experience in particular, due to Emmett's fever disorder. Most people won't use something like this very often and we need to use it several times a day, every day. Anyway, Emmett and I were featured on Nokia's blog this week.…


Don’t you love mornings like this

The boys had a good morning, although it started much earlier than I'd like. Emmett was awake at 5 AM and ready to start his day. I ended up getting up with him because I generally like to be awake when one of the kids are.  I'm sleeping a bit better lately, and so getting up a 5 AM was not a huge deal.  The boys got off to school without an issue and I walked almost three miles. The walk was great and I was able to hang out with my Mom, which is always a good thing.  I'm feeling pretty good and I'm grateful. 


I know we will find a way to get through this

I'm hoping to get back on track in the morning. Today has been a wash as far as productivity is concerned. I was definitely not feeling well for the first half of the day but did much better in the afternoon.  I'm getting a bit worried because I still cannot find my wallet and that presents a multitude of problems.  I can't get my debit card replaced without my ID, and I can't get my ID replaced without my debit card. It's quite the conundrum and I've not yet figured out how to navigate it.  Despite the unpleasantness of everything going on this week, I know we will find a way to get through it. 


Our school year has been surprising 

The boys had a good day at school and that's always a good thing. No ones making fun of Elliott over his backpack, and that's an enormous relief.  A big bit of awesome is that Elliott doesn't have homework this year. That's such a huge relief for all of us. Homework has been a nightmare over the years and it looks like we will be getting a break from it.  Unfortunately, Emmett is getting homework this year but he seems to be doing okay with it. ☺  I'm kinda liking the level of positive surrounding this school year already. I was really worried about how things were going to go, but so far, it's been awesome. 


I can’t change what I can’t control

I want to thank everyone for all the well wishes. I'm feeling much better, and Lizze did a great job of taking care of her sick husband. ☺  I'm pretty sure it was something I ate last night. Actually, I cooked myself a chicken breast in the air fryer, and perhaps that was the issue? Either way, I'm back up and running, well, moving around without feeling the need to yack. lol I did wake up to a scary realization that I've lost my wallet. That almost never happens, at least not in a really long time. It's really weird the way stuff goes missing in our house sometimes. I'm 99.9% sure it's in the house.  Lizze and I have always joked between ourselves, that we have a mischievous ghost…