Welcome to my fricking nightmare, and it’s only 8 AM

The boys are going to their grandparents for a little while today. It's spend some time with Grandma day, and it should be fun form the boys. Y Unfortunately, Emmett is still finishing up some of his make up work, and it's due in the morning. He's freaking out over not being done and is completely overwhelmed by everything related to school anymore. Lizze and I are taking turns trying to help him, and it's not going well. It's not going well at all. Emmett is freaking the fuck out and throwing things around the living room. Have I mentioned lately, how much I hate school and homework? He's just not coping well, and I don't know how to help him anymore. I just sent his teachers a message, and…


I’m surprising my wife and kids tonight

I'm taking the family to see the final Maze Runner movie tonight. We have seen the first two, and everyone is dying to see the new one. Unfortunately, we have to get to an evening showing but it will be so cool to go out as a family. It will end up being a late night, but the boys will be visiting their grandparents in the morning, so Lizze and I can get some rest if it ends up being a rough night. I'm excited that I'm doing well enough financially, that on occasion, we can do things like this. It's been a long road, but we're finally coming into our own..


Please keep Gavin in your thoughts

Gavin and I went to the grocery store this morning. All was going well until Gavin's leg stopped working correctly. Those were his words, not mine. The problem was/is that his legs were giving out on him. I can remember this happening before on many occasions, but it never lasted this long. There were times he was having to hold himself up by leaning on the cart. We've been home now for about an hour, and he seems to be doing better. He wanted to know if his legs were having seizures. I don't know what's going on with him because, in the past, no one's been able to figure this out. I'm hoping today's problems were just a fluke, and after some rest, he'll be doing better. It would…


Elliott is too distressed to sleep

Elliott and I are having a campout in the living room tonight. He's been unable to sleep, and so I thought maybe spending some time together would help me get to the bottom of what's been causing him so much distress. I hate seeing him struggling, and Elliott doesn't always like to open up. He's much like Emmett in the sense that he doesn't do well when it comes to expressing how he's feeling. Anyway, we spent quite some time playing in our Minecraft Realm together. He didn't tell me anything I didn't already know, but much of his distress is related to school. I know that much, but I'm not sure how to help him figure this out. Lizze and I will be meeting with Dr. Pattie next week…


Gavin seems to be struggling more today, and it’s heartbreaking

Gavin's had a rougher day thus far. He seems to be on edge, but there's no apparent reason why and if you ask him, he says he's fine. He had his IVIG Infusion this morning, and per the current norm, he did it all by himself. Unfortunately, he ran into a few snags and rather than merely address them; he freaked out instead. One issue was that the one injection site was leaking a little bit. This happens, and all we have to do is create a better seal at the infusion site. Gavin knows this, but instead, he chose to remove the needle all together which meant it would have to be placed back into his belly. That means more pain, and I don't know why he did that.…


Homework on the table and pajamas at school

Everyone made it to school today, but we ended up having two small problems after the fact. Shortly after Lizze arrived home from dropping them off, we realized that Emmett's homework was on the table. In all the rush, it never made it into his folder. I know that his homework is his responsibility but Emmett's never forgotten his homework before and I know how he would end up reacting when he realized it was still at home. For that matter, I know what we went through last night trying to help him finish it, and I won't let that be in vain. I was able to email the homework to the school, and it wouldn't be a problem to get it to Emmett. While I was on the phone,…


He’s afraid to go back to school

Elliott is not able to sleep tonight because he too afraid to go back to school tomorrow. I've tried to reassure him but he's really stressed out after the day he had yesterday. I'm hoping he'll fall asleep because I want to go to sleep. I'm hoping that he'll feel better after some sleep and school won't be an issue today. He will be going to school with Adderall on board because we now know he's struggling without it. I'll be praying for my little man today.