The other shoe just dropped

Anytime we get even a tiny bit of good news, deep down inside, we're waiting for the other shoe to drop. There were three things that I needed to go well today. One was Gavin's lab work, another was Ruby's appointment and finally resolving whatever is causing problems with his Clozapine prescription. I'm not sure what to think about Gavin's labs (see Why good news doesn't always make me feel better), but Ruby's appointment went well (see The first solid piece of good news this week). The last thing has to do with Gavin's meds and that brings me to the other shoe that just dropped. There was a delivery of medications this afternoon and dispite being promised they would fill it, the pharmacy still didn't have Gavin's prescription ready.…


Why good news doesn’t always make me feel better

I just got an email from Gavin's doctors office in regards to his labs from yesterday. The results from yesterday have his Absolute Neutrophil count back up to 3.0. The number is still on the lower end of things but it's significantly better than it was yesterday. What worries me is the why. Why are the numbers so drastically different? Did the lab make an error the first time? What if the lab error is this time around? Is it even possible for the numbers to fluctuate so rapidly? I don't know what to think and I'm waiting to hear back. The only other thing we could do is run his labs a third time and see where we are but I don't want to put Gavin through that. I'm…

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Exhausted, stressed out, worried and overwhelmed

Gavin's feeling better this morning and the boys got off to school without much trouble. Lizze is having a rough morning because she had a really difficult day yesterday and didn't sleep well last night. I'm pleased to say she's currently napping on the couch for a little while. I hate the idea of waking her up but we have to get ready to take Ruby to the vet, and she wants to go. Hopefully Ruby's appointment will go well and we'll be home before we know it. I'm still waiting on Gavin's lab results as well as the delivery of his Clozapine prescription. In the spirit of honesty, I'm very preoccupied with worry about the results of Gavin's labs from yesterday. There's a really good chance we're going to…


The doctor called with heartbreaking news

I received a call today from Gavin's doctor. When I saw who it was, my stomach knotted up and my heart sank. They never call unless it's bad news. I was right. Apparently, Gavin's numbers are crashing again. I'm currently waiting for him to come out from having his labs drawn for the second time in three days. I didn't get all the numbers but they informed me that his Absolute Neutrophil count (ANC) dropped from 2.9 to 1.8 in less than a week. This is not a good thing and I wish I knew what was responsible for this but no one knows for sure what it is. The most likely culprit is the Clozapine but it's also possible it's part of his CVID (Common Variable Immunodeficiency) as well.…


#Autism Isn’t Anyone’s Fault

I remember the moment each one of my kids was diagnosed with Autism. It's permanently seared into my brain because these moments are among the most pivotal in my life. One of the things I remember most was how much guilt I felt as our Autism journey began. I felt like I had sentenced my kids to a life of misery because them having Autism was somehow my fault. That guilt ate me alive for a long time. Truth be told, there are still moments where that guilt pops back up, even after all these years. I wanted to take a minute and talk to the Autism parents of the world, especially those just starting this crazy, wonderful, confusing and overwhelming ride. Speaking from personal experience, and extensive contact with…