We have a parent meeting at the school in regards to safety

Heading out to a school/parent meeting in regards to school safety and a few other things. I'm not sure how long this is going to last or how many parents will actually show up, but we're going to be there. Historically, not many parents show up to these meetings but I'm hoping that in light of all that's happened in recent weeks, we have a good turnout. The only way we can make sure our kids have the safest educational experience possible, is to be actively involved and helping any way we can. My hope is that the changes we already know about, in conjunction with those we'll learn about tonight, will go a long way towards ensuring a safe, secure school building.


Why are people such assholes?

I'm one of those people who believes that humanity is inherently good. I think that the majority of people are good souls, regardless of disability, race, ethnicity, religion, gender sexual orientation or gender identity. No one will ever convince me otherwise. Having stated my default outlook on life, I'm not oblivious to all the assholes, of which there are many. One such asshole is continuing to thwart my efforts at helping the Autism and Special Needs Parenting communities by continuing to report the posts I share on my own timeline and page as spam or offensive. They continue to claim that I'm violating community guidelines and Facebook automatically removes every post reported. I can see dozens of these every single day. When I click on the it's not spam link,…


Gavin’s IVIG infusion is NOT going well

Gavin's IVIG infusion is not going well this morning. For some reason, we can't get any flow and I'm having to force the solution through the tubing manually. It works but it's very difficult and quite painful for a Gavin. I don't know what's wrong for sure, but it could be scar tissue. All I can do is continue to force it through or re-stick the needles in his belly. Gavin wants to avoid being re-stuck and I don't blame him. Hopefully, this will finish up sometime this afternoon and he will be okay. I'm just going to keep an eye on him through the Ping camera from Vivint Home. I've found so many uses for this system but the best have involved using the cameras to monitor my kids…


A significant increase in security at my kids school today

The boys did awesome this morning. They got ready for school and out the door with very little effort, at least compared to what it's been like recently. I took them to school and when I dropped them off, I noticed a major change at the door. Every child is scanned for metal objects prior to entering. This is totally new and I was sorta taken a back by this at first but then I was forced to remember the reasons behind this. I'm angry that something like this is necessary but I'm grateful that the proper precautions are being taken in order to help insure the safety and we'll being of our kids. So far, there have been several changes within the school to address possible safety concerns. I…


Childhood Disintegrative Disorder is stealing our son from us

This post was started on Friday and has taken me this long to finish. It's been a long weekend and I apologize for my absence. I was largely absent here today because I'm struggling a bit right now. I'm having a hard time coping with certain things at the moment, Gavin being one of those things. I'll be the first to admit how terrible that sounds. I can assure you, it feels worse for me to say that. Gavin is driving me crazy and it's taking a toll. As time moves forward and his overall condition worsens, it becomes harder and harder for him to think. He has a much more difficult time trying to think his way through even the most one dimensional situations. These are things like figuring…


How my son with #Autism blew me away tonight

We had a really nice evening. Truth be told, it was actually extremely stressful for me but that doesn't mean there weren't some awesome memories made. I'm just going to skip to the end of the day because that's where the true magic happened. I took Lizze and the boys out to dinner. We don't do that very often for a number of reasons but we went to IHOP for dinner because everyone loves it there. ☺ Everyone ordered what they wanted and had a great time. The truly amazing part comes into play with Mr. Emmett. Emmett is historically very difficult to feed. He so many sensory issues and it makes him incredibly sensitive to things like food. Anyway, it's a struggle on the best of days and a…


I’m doing my best to survive

The boys got off to school on a good foot. They were cooperative-ish and made it to school on time. Unfortunately, my back is out. When I say out, I mean it's the worst it's been in many years. It's the kind of pain that makes it hard to breathe. I'm looking for things I can do to help myself become a bit more resilient and someone recommended I check out https://www.fixbodygroup.com/palm-desert-ca/medicare/chiropractor/. Thankfully, Lizze was more than willing to take the boys to school for me and that saved me a great deal of grief. I'm going to try and rest today because there isn't anything going on. The best thing for me to do is bounce between resting and walking. Walking is the only thing that's ever worked for…