The kid who stabbed Emmett with a pencil is returning to school today and I’m not sure what to think

Emmett will be returning to school in the morning because it's Monday. Normally I wouldn't be worried but this will be the first day that Emmett will be back in school with the kid who stabbed him. I feel that it would be irresponsible of me as a parent, to simply let him walk into the building without talking to the school first. I need to find out what's being done to ensure this kid isn't going to hurt Emmett or anyone else for that matter. I've mentioned before that this kid isn't evil, and he isn't. Something was going on with him however, that led to him stabbing Emmett several times with a sharpened pencil. Emmett's hand is healing pretty well, as you can see in the above image.…


Yes, I know hate is a strong word

It's been a long day and it started super early. I'm talking 4 AM early. Emmett is once again going through a difficult period of time at night and is waking up from really bad nightmares. He runs into our bed and glues himself to me. We have a king size bed but Emmett likes to take up most of it. Putting him back in bed is an exercise in futility because he's too afraid to go back to sleep. Rather than fight that losing battle, I simply move downstairs to the couch. This way Lizze sleeps, he sleeps and I have a chance at getting some sleep as well. The best approach in this particular situation, especially when Emmett's concerned, is to address the underlying issue. The nightmares are…

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Happy Birthday 12th Elliott

It was twelve years ago today, that I experienced the most amazing and most terrifying moments of my life, at least up to that point. Mr. Elliott was born on March 4, 2008 after a very difficult pregnancy. Lizze was nothing less than a hero for how hard she fought to bring him into this world. I remember the moment he took his very first breath, as well as the moment I heard his lung burst. What followed was the scariest seven days in my life. Elliott fought though bilateral pneumothorax and bacterial pneumonia, to become one of the strongest, sweetest and most compassionate people I've ever known. We have our struggles but I love him to the moon and back. I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world…

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#Autism Parenting Brain: You will NOT believe where I found my missing car keys

Elliott wanted to visit the food court at the mall for his birthday dinner. We tried to upgrade his plans but this is what he wanted and it's his birthday. ☺ After we ate, he wanted to walk around the mall for awhile. We all walked around until Gavin wasn't able to go further because his legs hurt. On the way out to the car, I realized that I didn't have the car keys. In a panic, we searched everywhere we'd been and couldn't find them. I was really getting nervous because we only have one key to the car and we'd be in a world of hurt if we could find it, or worse, we locked them in the car. As I'm making my way out to the car,…

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I can’t control the actions of every asshole on the Internet

I'm having a rough evening because of my stupid Internet stalker. Facebook fixed all the issues and things were good for a few days. I hadn't posted anything during that time but I shared a post on The Autism Dad Facebook page and my stalker reported it and I am banned once again. I know if no way to stop this from happening. This person is banned, but they likely have more than one account and I can't do anything because I have no idea what the other account is under. Anyway, as much as this upsets me, I'm going to file it away in the outside of my control column. That's because I realize I can't control the actions of every asshole on the Internet. It's actually quite freeing...…

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We pulled our old fish tank out of retirement (Lots of Pictures)

We've discovered that the boys really enjoy fish. I've had fish tanks throughout my life but we stopped after Emmett was born. There wasn't really a reason for it, we just hit a point where everything had died and we didn't replace them. The last fish we had was one of those goldfish you win by tossing a ping pong ball into tiny fish bowls at the fair. Gavin one that fish when he was teeny tiny and it lived for years. It grew from half an inch to something like seven inches in length by the time it died. That fish out lived everything else in the tank and when it died, we packed it all away. Since I've recently reviewed the EcoQube C, the kids have become entranced…

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Gavin’s NOT having a good day and it’s taking a toll on all of us

Holy shit! Gavin is not having a good day by any stretch of the imagination. He's been on overload all morning long. It's crystal clear that he's extremely stressed out right now and actually in distress. Maybe it's from a long day with his grandparents and not because they've done anything wrong. Gavin had a great time but it still takes a toll. It would be the same thing if he'd been at my parents. This is just the nature of who Gavin is. He's been getting ahead of himself all morning because he's acting before he really thinks about what he's doing. I suppose you could also call this being a bit impulsive. This morning's festivities began when he went to do the dishes. I've always had him throw…

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Take advantage of the time you have together

We had a really nice evening. For that matter, it was also a pretty nice day as well. The boys got off to school with minimal headache and that's always a fantastic way to start the day. 😀 Not too long after the boys got off to school, I drove Lizze to the Cleveland Clinic for a doctor's appointment. The drive sucked because my back still isn't doing so well. Sitting or standing for any period of time is extremely painful. Laying down flat or pacing around the house is the only pain free positions I have at the moment. Lizze's appointment went well and I decided to take her to lunch on the way home. It was actually more of a late lunch/early dinner but it was nice. ☺…