My son’s school is shutdown today and you’ll never guess why

Elliott got off to school without a hitch. Emmett is still sleeping because his school is closed because there's not enough people to staff the building, as everyone is out with COVID. I have so many feelings about this. One of the more overwhelming feelings has to do with teachers not being vaccinated. I just don't understand how we are allowing that to happen. It puts everyone at risk and we're barely able to keep the schools open right now as it is. I would have to guess that Emmett most likely won't have school tomorrow either. Elliott doesn't have school on Friday for some reason and all this educational inconsistency is destabilizing, especially for kids in the spectrum. I wish I had a bit more energy this morning but…


When are we going to learn?

It's been a difficult couple of days for me and that's okay. Life isn't supposed to be easy, right? I'm really tired but having a terrible time falling asleep at night. There are things in my life that I'm worried about and again, that's okay. I feel like despite some of these challenges, I'm still incredibly lucky to be where I am, and I don't want to lose sight of that. The boys didn't go see their mom this weekend and that meant no break for me. Everyone is being extra cautious as a result of COVID, and if someone in either household isn't feeling right, we tend to pull the plug. Their mom was under the weather so the visit was canceled. The kids were bummed out but they'd…

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The coolest thing happened today

As the title states, the coolest thing happened today. I've been talking about Gavin's ever-growing level of independence, and today marked a big first for him. Gavin gets his IVIG Infusion supplies delivered every month. He organizes them into kits and even does the infusions on his own. I have almost zero involvement in the process anymore. He's doing incredibly well, and I'm proud of him. The only part of this process that he didn't do was sign for the delivery, fill out the paperwork, and mail it back to the hospital. That's always been my job. It's been my job until now, that is. When his delivery arrived yesterday, I asked him if he wanted to do the paperwork. He has to sign his name, date it, and stick…


I’m 43 years old and I think I might have ADHD?

Recently, I've begun to wonder if I might have ADHD. I'm 43 years old and never once thought that to be the case. There is ADHD in my family, and both the younger boys carry that diagnosis, as does their mom. I've watched them over the years and seen how ADHD impacts their lives. I've not seen any of those struggles in myself. I'm not very impulsive and certainly not hyperactive. A few weeks ago, I read an article about other ways ADHD can present, especially in adults. Forgetfulness, failing to follow through, struggling to focus on the task at hand, and being easily distracted, among other things. I don't forget important things, but little things seem to slip through the cracks, which seems weird. I struggle with focus. That's…

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I’m so tired of COVID

COVID is wearing thin. I'm so grateful that the boys and those closest to me have remained healthy. I'm greatful that I have remained healthy as well. That being said, I'm so tired of having to deal with all this insanity. This morning, Elliott and Emmett were unable to go to school. Elliott woke up with a headache and Emmett had a sore throat. Before COVID Elliott would have taken some motrin and Emmett would have toughed it out. In the advent of COVID, more specifically the Delta and Omicron variants, any symptoms are considered COVID until proven otherwise. Testing is all but impossible because tests are unavailable, testing sites are insane, and frankly the at home tests are unreliable. I called the school and the current policy is that…


I’ve learned to never underestimate my kids ability to overcome

Today began the transition back to school after the holidays. This used to stress me out because more often than not, it was a nightmare scenario. Kids on the spectrum do not like change. Many years were spent trying to navigate transitions like this and it wasn't fun for anyone. Thankfully, it's gotten much better. My kids are so much more resilient than they used to be. While there are some anxiety related hiccups, such as Emmett not sleeping last night, the transitions have become little bumps in the road than a ten car pile-up. I'm so grateful for that. If you're reading this and still dealing with some of these issues, please know that it does get better. I won't promise that it will be a cake walk and…


My kids were right and I was wrong

So apparently my kids were correct. I was positive that they were back to school this morning but turns out, they don't go back until January 4th. I don't know what sorta of nonsense this is but I declare shenanigans. I'm thrilled to have had all this time with my kids but I'm ready to get things back to normal and move forward with my 2022 plans. They will be returning to school tomorrow and I will be able to start building my new routine. Work is picking up and I'm committed to being at the gym five days a week. That's important and I'm making it a priority. I'll be forcing myself into a new schedule and I'm going to more tightly manage my time during the day. I…


My life has changed in so many ways

The boys spent New Years day with their mom and I had plans of my own. We're keeping the circle of people we spend time with very, very small right now as COVID is worse than it's ever been in Ohio. Half of my family either has COVID right now or is getting over it. Everyone is staying away from everyone else right now, just to be safe. My circle is small and comprised of people closest to me. Every one is taking all the necessary precautions, including, limited public exposure, mask wearing and COVID vaccinations. That's just the way it is right now. New Years was great. We spent some time making vision boards on New Years Eve with the kids. They did such a good job and I…

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