I’m super excited about this

It's not too often that I can pull off an actual surprise. Between the financial hardship and my inability to keep a secret from my family, it's not easy. I've managed to somehow keep a secret from the boys and aside from Lizze, they don't know a thing. In the morning, we're taking the kids to see the new Jurassic World movie as an early surprise for Emmett's birthday on Tuesday. He's been wanting to see this since it was announced.. I'm super excited to surprise him and his brothers in the morning.


Day With Dad: How to Fit the Kids into Your Schedule

Link Let’s be honest about it, having a kid is never easy at the best of times, and having more than one can feel overwhelming! But, it is important to make time for our kids and to give them the interaction with both mommy and daddy. You play a big role in helping to shape your children’s futures, and the time you spend with them now is going to help shape the people they become. So, it is important that they get to enjoy a day out with dad, where they can hang with you, help you, and do things with you. Yes, it might be difficult to work this into your schedule, but there are certain things you can do that are going to help with this. Here are…


5 Things That Will Help Your Family Sleep Better At Night

Sleep is essential for our bodies and minds. Just like food and water, we can’t survive without it. Getting too little sleep can leave you grumpy and irritated, but it also makes it difficult to focus or muster the energy for simple tasks. Image: Pxhere In a busy household, it’s hard to get everyone into a nighttime routine. However, if you persevere and follow the tips below, you stand a good chance of succeeding. Take a look at the five things that will help your family sleep better at night. Get some exercise A bit of exercise is a great way to tire the whole family out ready for sleep. A walk after dinner can help aid your digestion to stop you feeling full while trying to sleep, and it…


The #1 most important thing we need to balance as #Autism parents and it’s not what you think

One of the more difficult things an Autism family can deal with is going out in public. This has nothing to do with shame or being embarrassed. It has to do with not expecting more from a child then they are capable of. Kids and adults with Autism can often struggle from things like Sensory Processing Disorder and anxiety. These can make going anywhere, very difficult for them. As parents, we don't want to put our kids through anymore then we have to and so many times, we avoid going places. While that tends to make life easier in some ways, it makes it harder in others. I've said this a million times but when you're an Autism parent, problem solving is often very complicated. It's not easy to find…


3 extremely important updates you missed

I've been slacking off in the writing department lately and I apologize for that. In order to get everyone caught up on the last couple of days, there are 2 important updates to share. I'll begin with yesterday's emergency appointment with psychiatry. Gavin has been extremely lethargic for the last couple of weeks. We were pretty sure it was tied to his Clozapine (the antipsychotic used to treat his Schizophrenia) but since nothing has changed in over a year, it also didn't make sense. We met with his psychiatrist yesterday afternoon. After they heard what was going on, they got us in right away. Unfortunately, they were also about 2 hours behind and that sucked but on the bright side, we ran into one of Gavin's old friends and his…

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When your child has no filter

One of the toughest lessons I've failed to teach Gavin is that you don't need to say out loud, everything that pops into your head. This has been an ongoing struggle for most of his life and no matter how many times I've talked to him about it, nothing ever changes. This isn't necessarily unique to Gavin. I've heard from countless Autism parents over the years, who face the same struggles. I'm not in Gavin's head and while I can somewhat predict what he's going to say, I can't say that I understand why he says it. At best, the thoughts he says outloud are mildly inappropriate and said in the privacy of our home. At worst, the thoughts he says are horribly inappropriate and said in a very public…


The single biggest reason I’m worried about our emergency psych appointment today

Lizze and I reached out to Gavin's psychiatrist's office because we're growing increasingly worried about his worsening level of lethargy. I mentioned eariler that they were our first stop because if this is medication related, it's probably the Clozapine. Since they manage the Clozapine, it makes sense to begin there. My email was returned within minutes and we got an appointment right away. I'm not sure if that's just convenient or both convenient and scary. It's impossible to get into Gavin's doctor and we literally received an appointment for the same day, scheduled for about an hour after I sent the email. I don't think there's anything medically significant to worry about there is still one reason to be very concerned. We could end up having to either cut back…


The #1 reason I’m grateful for days like today

This morning, Gavin had the last IVIG infusion that we have supplies for. Now is when I start to get anxious and stress out because it's become another episode of hurry up and wait. I hate that. His doctor is still working out the details and getting insurance approval. As soon as they know, we'll know. I'm a bit worried about Gavin because aside from his infusion, he's spent most of the day sleeping. He woke up a little bit ago, came downstairs and announced he needed to go back to bed. Lizze and I made him stay up and move around a little bit. We're concerned that he's sleeping way too much. As long as he's okay, we want him to move around a bit see if he can…

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