I’m sleeping on our dilapidated couch tonight

It's been a crazy day today and I've not been able to write anything. Vivint was here for a good chunk of the day and while it's always a positive experience, it can be a bit trying on the kids. Anyway, Emmett's been struggling with an increasing level of anxiety recently. We've seen an uptick in tummy aches and nightmares as we get closer to the new school year. Emmett really isn't capable of expressing how he's feeling and so we're left to try and figure this out on our own.. The last few night, Emmett's really struggled to fall asleep at night because he's afraid he'll have another nightmare. Tonight was so bad that I opted to simply set him up on the love seat in the living room,…


@GetSpectrum has to come out again and this is why it’s upsetting my kids with #Autism

The kids woke up this morning and all was well until they learned that Spectrum had to come back out again because there's an apparent problem in our lines somewhere. I didn't think it was a big deal and that as the person dealing with this directly, I was the only one frustrated. I was wrong. Very, very wrong. Elliott and Emmett have been stressing out all morning since learning another service person was coming by to fix the problem. We didn't know about this peoblem until we were told last night and so they were long asleep before an appointment was scheduled. Emmett is in a horrible mood because he doesn't understand why it takes so many tries to get something done correctly. He's such a logical person and…

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This happens every single night, without fail

Every single night, no matter what's going on or how bad of a day I've had, I can always count on Gavin's bedtime routine. ☺ Part of that routine, is asking me if he can show me his city. By that he means he wants me to look at the progress he's made on one of his tablet games that day. I try to always oblige him because showing me his progress in the game is the equivalent of scoring a winning goal for him. He's really proud of himself and it only feels right to let him feel a sense of pride. Truthfully though, I don't know the difference between what his city looked like yesterday vs today. It always looks the same to me but he's happy so…

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This has been a huge problem for almost 2 weeks now

I hesitate to say this out loud but I think we finally have our internet problems addressed and it only took about two weeks to do so. 🙄 About two weeks ago, we had to upgrade our internet plan. The bandwidth was insufficient for our needs and it was causing a lot of problems. The upgrade itself wasn't very costly, so it was something we could pull off. Anyway, it ended up taking three or four trips to the Spectrum store to swap out defective modems and routers and if you've ever been to one of Spectrums stores, they are a nightmare. On top of those four trips to the store in order to swap out equipment, we had three or four service calls, countless hours on the phone constantly…


I’ll admit it, I’m guilty of this

I'm trying to focus on the positive things we have going on right now. Admittedly, that's not easy to do because the struggles are seriously overwhelming. Gavin in particular, struggles quite a bit and it's both insanely frustrating and utterly heartbreaking, all at the same time. Trying to get Gavin to remember even simple one steps tasks is an uphill battle. It doesn't matter how much I love him, it's really, really frustrating because I have to micromanage his life. Having said that, it's really cool that I noticed this tonight and I wanted to share it with you all because it's a perfect example of when I get so wrapped up in the struggle, I can miss the obvious victories. It's true that Gavin struggles tremendously with his memory.…


I’m thankful it happened but I’m heartbroken that it’s necessary

I've been sorta struggling a bit lately but I'm feeling pretty good today. I ran into an old friend from high school and it was awesome catching up. It was one of those things that was unexpectedly random but it changed the course of my day. 😀 Anyway, I wanted to catch you up on a few things that I'm behind on. In my opinion, these are really positive things but at the same time it's heartbreaking that it's a necessity. Maybe you remember that we've been trying to get Gavin into Hematology for the better part of a year. He was referred by his immunologist because of his on again off again neutralphilia. We have no explanation for that or the sudden, random drops in his platelet counts as…

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Review: 30 Days with the @Healbe GoBe2 Health/Fitness Tracker

Last month I was given an opportunity to test and review the Healbe GoBe2. It's an interesting take on a fitness/health/activity tracker and I've said this a few times before but I'm a huge fan of tech that helps in this area of one's life. I've used every Fitbit tracker, a few Garmin devices, the Basis/Basis Peak, the entire Gear series by Samsung, and even a newcomer called Biostrap. You can also check out Total Shape's homepage if you're looking for information about about fitness or fitness equipment. For the last two years, you'd be hard pressed to find me without a Gear S3 strapped to my left wrist. It's not a dedicated fitness watch but it hits most of the bases that matter to me, and its been my…

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