We had orientation tonight

Orientation went great tonight. We were there for all of about thirty minutes in total, but it was a quality thirty minutes. ☺ Anyway, we met the boys teachers, most we knew already but some we met for the first time. There are some cool changes this school year, the biggest being that they will have martial arts every day. Emmett's loving that. Elliott, not so much. I feel like we're in a good place to start the school year. I'm not sure what how things will actually pan out but I feel comfortable that the kids are comfortable. Emmett's a bit nervous but he's also very excited. Elliott's just excited, at least on the surface. He may be nervous on the inside and we just don't know it yet.…


Gavin did an amazing job this morning

Gavin did a really good job this morning in regards to his IVIG infusion. He got up early and put it together, woke me up in order to check it and then completed the procedure without any help. For me personally, that's a great way to start the week because so often he struggles with these anymore and a bad infusion sets a tone for the week. Great job Gavin.. Keep up the hard work and keep moving forward.


It’s a Monday and today doesn’t totally suck

We have orientation in a couple hours and the I'm still working on laundry. I should have what I need done so the boys have clothes to wear tonight or rather they have the clothes they want to wear for tonight. I'm a bit on edge cause I haven't heard back from these new advertisers but that doesn't mean anything. Oftentimes, they are in different time zones and when it's day here, it's night there. So... I have two other job possibilities and one of them does seem to be rather likely. That would be great news for us and also make my platform more attractive to other advertisers. What I really, really need is a new sponsor. My last sponsorship expired about a year ago. Generally speaking, a sponsorship…


#Depression, #Autism Parenting and Turning 40 are not a good combination

As I mentioned in the previous post, there's an enormous pink elephant in the room right now and it's better known as my 40th birthday. I turn 40 years old on Thursday, August 24th and I'm struggling. I just realized that I've been an Autism for almost half of my life. That's a bit overwhelming to think about, so I just won't. ☺ Let me begin by saying that I've decided not to discontinue my last remaining antidepressant right now because I'm concerned it might be a bad idea, especially due to the headspace I find myself in. Turing 40 is supposed to be a big deal and it is in many ways. In other ways it's just another day. As it is, the fates, life and a few other…


There are too many things to worry about this week

I'm really stressed out and in an absolutely horrible mood tonight. This is going to be a challenging week for me on a number of levels and I'm not getting off to a good start. First and foremost, the kids are going to be adjusting to the new school year starting. They're both excited but anxiety is high because it's a change and there's many unknowns. We can expect many meltdowns. I'm sad to see them go back because I love having the kids around all the time but they need the routine and we need the break. The free time is going to be spent on Gavin because we have things to figure out and we need to put together a plan in order to address them. At the…

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You can’t put a price on getting a break

The boys are off to their Grandparents for the afternoon and we have some time to ourselves for the first time in awhile. They won't be gone too long and we're pretty much broke, so we aren't doing much. We did go walking though and that's important. At least we got to do something without the kids. I know so many familes that can't even do that. It's important that we not take even the smallest thing for granted. ☺ That said, I would have really liked to take Lizze to dinner and I've been craving Chipotle but it is what it is. At the end of the day, we got a small break and you can't put a price on that.


Our little dog has started biting our kids. What do we do?

We're beginning to have some problems with Ruby, our 5 pound Chorkie. She's started biting Emmett. It's not provoked other than accidently sitting too close to her or trying to get her to schooch over. She's not startled or not surprised. He's never been aggressive and nothing has been warranted. The vast majority of the time she snuggles with Emmett and seeks him out. Noone is ever rough with her and it almost feels like she becomes possessive of the person she happens to be with. I'm the only person she hasn't growled at or snipped at. I get that she's a little dog and can't really hurt anyone but that's not the point. Does anyone have experience with situations like this? I'm open to advice. Could the fact that…


We seriously need to get caught up and here’s why

Disclaimer: my brain is fried and I'll proof this in the morning.. It's been a long couple of days. Friday we had Vivint at the house all day and Thursday we had Spectrum out for the second or third time in the last week. While it was stressful but I think we got everything finally buttoned up. Our internet has been working for about three days straight but the kids were complaining it was offline yesterday morning. It was working when I checked, so we're going to run with it. Gavin's been very, very, very, very challenging this week. We're having problems with him telling us about health problems he's having. It's like he processes things all wonky because the stuff that doesn't matter, we hear about all the time.…