We’ve arrived at @myakrongeneral for Gavin’s MRI and things have changed
We've made it to Akron General but something has change and things now make more sense.
We've made it to Akron General but something has change and things now make more sense.
We thought Gavin's incredibly important MRI was canceled due to insurance denying the claim. Here's what ultimately happened.
I mentioned yesterday that Gavin's MRI for Wednesday was being denied by insurance. I spoke with the Cleveland Clinic yesterday and they are working on it. Someone is supposed to be calling me back to let me know if it's been worked out. This morning, Lizze found two pieces of mail that had been misplaced but were addressed to Gavin. We realized that they were both from insurance and the first one we read stated that the MRI was approved. The second letter stated that the MRI was not approved. At that moment it occurred to me that this wasn't conflicting information. Instead it was an approval for the MRI of Gavin's chest but a denial of the MRI for his abdomen. It sorta makes sense now. As it stands,…
Some parents have the entire world on their shoulders as they struggle to make each day count, and find the challenges they’re faced with as a duty they must take care of.
As the day has gone forward, my mood has gone straight down the drain. I'm trying to get things done but I keep hitting obstacles that are extremely difficult to overcome. Gavin's a bit talkative this afternoon and I don't have the patience for that today. Thankfully, he's in a good place today and I'm happy to see him with his feet on the ground. It sucks when he's really upset because it's disruptive and scary but it's also hard to see him in distress. A good day is a good day, even if he's driving me nuts with his questions. ☺ I didn't make it out for a second walk because of some problems I've been trying to work through. There's issues with our mortgage because there's a glitch…
Have you ever had your plate so full of things you need to do that you feel completely overwhelmed? If yes, this post for you.
I'm really stressed out about December. There are so many things going on and I'm afraid I won't be able to pull everything off. Beginning this week, I have a sting of out of town doctors appointments I need to get both Lizze and Gavin to. The appointments are mostly Cleveland Clinic trips and there are ten of them before Christmas. These are expensive and the car is in rough shape. At the same time, the trips have to happen. In between all that, we have to figure out Christmas, get a handle on Gavin's aggressive behavior and still make it to all of our regular appointments. We have a total of 20 appointments all together before Christmas Eve. It's incredibly overwhelming because I'm essentially the only driver in our…
It's been a weekend full of incredibly aggressive Meltdowns but I still managed to get this done.