This is heartbreaking

Mr. Emmett is home from school today because he's not feeling well. He's been struggling with his fever disorder related mouth sores and he's just reached a point where he's sick to his stomach. Poor Emmett didn't sleep much last night and is too much pain to go to school this morning. There's very little we can do to help him. Advil doesn't help and we can only numb his mouth up to three times a day. It's heartbreaking to see him go through this. I desperately wish the was something we could do to relieve him of this condition. 😔

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Unexpected change in plans

It's been a longer day today and that's not always a bad thing. I have the boys at therapy but after waiting for about 30 minutes, our therapist came out and let us know that she'd changed us to 5 PM but forgot to tell us.. Opps.. We're already halfway there and the kids are doing okay, so we shall big deal. ☺ Pardon my French but, shit happens and if we don't learn to roll with the punches, we're gonna get knocked the fuck out. I'm struggling today on an emotional level because I'm very preoccupied with my upcoming oral surgery. Depression has these thoughts playing on a loop inside my head and my newest uninvited emotional houseguest anxiety, is feeding off of that. That said, I'm working…


I really need this right now

Today was a bit unexpected as it began with a snowday. I'm aware that we're watching a winter storm for this coming weekend but I didn't know anything about an ice storm last night. Anyway, everything was glazed in ice this morning and schools were called off. We didn't have any plans for today aside from school and therapy later this afternoon. We just ended up hunkering down with some movies and riding out the morning weather. We're just finishing up Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. I've already cleaned off the car and I'm hoping to go walking soon. There's no part of me that really wants to go but that's why it's so important that I do. Walking helps me work through some of my anxiety in a healthy, productive…


Life sucks right now but there’s still things to be grateful for

It's been an interesting week thus far. Interesting is probably definitely the wrong word because I should say stressful. I've been really stressed the last few days, more so than normal. I'm really beginning to struggle with anxiety and fighting it is wearing me down both emotionally and physically. This has been sorta creeping up on me and went largely unnoticed because I thought it was just part of my depression. I also rationalized it because there's a shit load of practical reasons for me to be anxious. The tipping point for me was this weekend when I thought I broke one of my molars. I've known something wasn't right for a few days and had scheduled an appointment with my dentist for this week. Unfortunately, during our poor man's…


How To Ensure That Your Kids Are Looked After No Matter What

If you have a family then you will know that your children rely on you to provide for them and make sure they grow up safe and healthy. As a parent, it is your job to look after your children and provide them with what they need to get through life. Financial support is a big part of bringing up your family, so if your finances get out of hand and things go wrong in your life it can be a daunting task to drag yourself out of it and maintain your parenting role. So here are a few tips to ensure your children are looked after no matter what. Photo Source Start saving If you want to make sure that you have a back up should anything go wrong…


I’m struggling a bit at the moment but here’s a quick update anyway

It's been a couple days since I've written much. Honestly, I'm in a pretty rough place. Tuesday was a difficult day for me and I'm not bouncing back, at least not at the moment. I probably just need some time. Anyway, until then, I'm going to force myself to do the things I would normally do because that will help me to stay ahead of the depression and continue moving forward. With that in mind, this will just be a quick update. The boys had a good morning and a great day at school. I'm really proud of them because we have a lot going on and simply returning to school after two weeks off is hard enough to adjust to. At the same time, they're struggling with the loss…

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