I’m taking a long overdue look at myself and it’s not pretty

I've not been around much the last few days, and I wanted to drop a quick line and let you know everything is okay. What's happening right now is that I'm re-evaluating my priorities, and focusing on personal growth. I've been distracted, overwhelmed, and easily frustrated. That can make me a less than stellar husband and father. You may be interested to learn that I'm going to seek out a dedicated therapist for myself. I haven't had one in a while. Lizze has been asking me to do this for a while, and I haven't because I thought I was doing okay. The truth is, I'm not doing nearly as well as I thought I was, and it impacts Lizze and the boys in a negative way. I've been carrying…


He peed on our house and tried to break into our car

Hall of Fame week officially kicks off in the morning and we're already having problems. Earlier in the evening, our neighbor came over and knocked on our door. She wanted me to know that she caught someone peeing on the side of our house and then trying to break into our car. I grabbed a screen of the guy from our doorbell camera She actually was able to take pictures of the guy and show me. This took place about 8:30 PM and it was still very light outside. Our neighbor noticed this guy from her window and began watching him cause he looked very suspicious. She saw him pee on the side of our house and then look into the windows of our car before trying to break in.…

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We take #vaccines VERY seriously but had to play catch-up today with our youngest and here’s why

I'm going to focus on the positive tonight. There was plenty of things that didn't go right, but the ones that did, matter more in this very moment. I mentioned earlier that Emmett had an appointment with his pediatrician today. It was a combination med check; well check and physical. We needed to touch base in regards to his ADHD and Depression medications before his care transfers to the behavioral health clinic at the main Akron Children's Hospital campus. He also needed his 11-year check-up and physical. Part of that included discussing vaccines. Emmett is the only one of our three kids who's technically behind on his vaccines. Emmett has a rare fever disorder and has had it since he was about a year old. His symptoms have evolved over…


Emmett and I are flying solo this afternoon

We're heading out in a few minutes because Emmett has an appointment with his pediatrician. It's the last med check before his behavioral health care switches over to the main behavioral health center at Akron Children's Hospital next month. This is also going to double as a well check. Emmett recently had a birthday and is due for a well check. Emmett and I are flying solo today because Lizze is not feeling well and it's always better to not take all the kids with us. No bog deal. Emmett and I can totally handle this...even if there will be shots, and there might be shots.


How we salvaged the day by surprising our kids

I didn't sleep well last night because my restless leg was keeping me awake. I was unable to go walking because of HOF week. To say I was in a bad place yesterday morning would be an understatement. The boys were fighting, and we needed a reset. Hiking was out of the question due to the threat of severe storms. We didn't want to be out in the middle of the woods when it hit. Anyway, we opted to fulfill our promise to the kids in regards to taking them to see Spider-Man Far From Home. It was very impromptu, which we usually wouldn't spring on the kids but I wanted to disrupt the current path we were on, so we could reroute our course for the day before nose…

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My least favorite time of year

The next week or so is going to be very frustrating because it's Pro Football Hall of Fame week. I hate this time of year because it's incredibly disruptive. People flood into Canton, Ohio from all over the world to participate in the HOF festivities. It's the one time of year where Canton cares about how it looks. The street cleaners are out in full force, and the parade route is getting a fresh coat of paint. One of the big issues for me personally is that they close off the park to the public. Parking is impossible to find, and people literally park anywhere they can. Walking becomes much harder because I have to find a new location and that isn't always possible because of everything I have going…


Frustrating moments but I feel like progress was made

We had therapy tonight, and some interesting things happened. First of, for the most part, everyone got along well. That's always something worth celebrating. While it wasn't perfect and Gavin lost his cool, he also worked through it pretty quickly. The issue with Gavin today happened as a result of Gavin struggling to understand some basic concepts. The kids were playing monkey in the middle with one of those soft, indoor frisbees. There is limited space to play, and in order to keep things, boundaries needed to be established. The person in the middle had to stay inside of the established lines, and the people not in the middle had to stay outside the established lines. It's a very basic and fundamentally simple concept that everyone agreed on prior to…


This scares the sh!t out of me

Gavin is driving me nuts. He's talking nonstop and it seems like even single step instructions are needed to be repeated multiple times. Absolutely none of this is his fault. He's not trying to drive me crazy, and I do my best to keep that in mind, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with. It's pretty overwhelming to face this day in and day out. The only silver lining is that Gavin is very happy and still being maintained in the home. I don't know how long that will last but all options are limited. We essentially have two options. Firstly, we could find a way to make things work at home. We would have to do that in such a way that doesn't negatively impact the…