I feel like shit right now

The boys have mostly recovered from a very difficult morning. They were very quiet when they got home, which normally, I'd be throwing into the win column but they were quiet for the wrong reasons. Eventually, the quiet turned into screaming and yelling because Elliott and Emmett were at each other's throats. They just sorta turned on each other. We're now finishing up dinner and I'm taking everyone to the park. I feel like shit right now because this whole thing has me physically and emotionally exhausted. This is a lot to deal with, especially when I have my own emotional struggles I'm working through. That really doesn't matter because there's a greater good being served by pushing myself a little more than I'd like to tonight. These guys need…

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My heart is breaking for my kids

The kids got off to school, but Elliott was already struggling before he left. To his credit, he went anyway and I'm proud of him for pushing himself. I know it's not easy for him or Emmett but it's only been a month and they need time to heal. Being Autistic, likely means that this will be even harder for them. Gavin and I went walking with my Mom after dropping the boys off at school. I think she's about 2 months post knee replacement now and this is the first time I've been able to walk with her for a long time. We used to meet every day and walk a few miles but her knee was so bad that she couldn't. She's doing awesome and we walked 1.5…

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There’s yet another snag in getting Gavin’s meds refilled and I’m seriously frustrated

Gavin had his blood work done first thing Monday morning. The lab has had almost four days to run them and fax the results to the pharmacy. They have yet to do so. Mind you, this is a stat order meaning it's a priority and should be completed the same morning. Unfortunately, getting the lab to fax the results has been an exercise in futility. This time however, it wouldn't have mattered anyway because the new script never came through correctly and had to be resent this afternoon. Hopefully, everything will be in order for a afternoon delivery today. At this point, I still don't know if the updated script will even be approved. Gavin's had six months of good numbers and that's makes him eligible for a 14 day…

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Love, patience, understanding and therapy

It's been a day. That about sums it up. It's not been particularly good or bad, it's just sorta blah. The kids got to school and did so mostly on time. Gavin and I went walking after that and he did really well. I totally feel like we'll be able to bump things up next week and continue building from there. I've got a shitload on my plate and I'm trying to get through some of the backlog without continuing to get buried. It's not an easy undertaking and frankly, I suck at it. Well, I know I need to do better. I suppose that's a nicer way to put it. I'm still trying to find a new car. I'm about 90% on the financing but there are some things…


CBD and Autism: What There Is To Know

CBD (Cannabidiol) is a phytocannabinoid or endocannabinoid and is one of about 113 identified cannabinoids in cannabis plants. Cannabidiol can be consumed in many ways: Through inhalation, aerosol spray, and orally. It has been well established that the substance can be used for various medical purposes such as the treatment of a wide variety of illnesses including insomnia, acne symptoms, epilepsy, anxiety, cancer symptoms, inflammation, depression, chronic pain, diabetes, autism, and so on. The drug works for individuals of all age groups. It can be very beneficial to your pets (dogs and cats) too. For this article, we will look at how cannabidiol helps autism and some other important facts that should be known. Autism Autism is an adverse developmental disorder that affects an individual’s ability to communicate and interact.…


If you looked up selfless in the dictionary, you’d see this kid

Gavin's getting a promotion of sorts, at least it feels that way to him. He had his blood work done on Monday as he usually does, but this time it's a bit different. Rather than requiring blood work every week and only receiving 7 days worth of Clozapine, he's moving to blood work every 2 weeks and a 14 day supply of Clozapine at a time. This means that his numbers have been stable for at least 6 months. This also assumes the powers that be will allow the change. Everything has been submitted and I don't foresee it being an issue. Gavin is very excited. It doesn't necessarily change a whole lot for him but he goes from blood work every week to only needing it every other week.…


I’m feeling confident about today

Elliott had a rough time falling asleep last night and didn't pass out until after 1 AM. That's sorta setting the tone for him today but he's doing okay. Everyone's in a good mood and I'm feeling confident about the day. I think Elliott wants me to talk to his teachers about a couple concerns he has. After that, and assuming the rain stops, Gvlavin and I will go walking. While I'm not going as much or as far as I'd like, something is better than nothing.


I almost forgot about this

It's been an interesting day in my house. Interesting isn't really good or bad, it's just interesting, maybe a little bit of both. I apologize in advance if this doesn't make a great deal of sense. I'm exhausted and I keep falling sleep. I'm really proud of all three of the kids because they are making progress in their own way. Elliott and Emmett are working through their emotional distress and finding it a bit easier to make it through the school day. I know it's not easy for them but they're doing great and I'm hoping it continues to get easier and easier. Elliott is also opening up and talking to me about his feelings. That's so fucking awesome. I know I can't fix anything or most things for…