My kids are driving me crazy and here’s how I’m dealing with it
My kids are driving me crazy but here's what I'm doing to cope
My kids are driving me crazy but here's what I'm doing to cope
I'm hoping to replicate this at home for Emmett. Check this out and tell me if you think your kids would benefit from this as well
This isn't about bashing the boys Mother. If it was, this post would have gone a way different direction. I'm constantly being told that I'm too nice or too accommodating. I've always been this way and the fact that we are no longer together, isn't going to change who I am. At the same time, at some point I have to draw a line
REM's needs to get their shit together because this could have been an absolute disaster.
There are plenty of days I feel like I've accomplished nothing. Today is not one of those days.. I'm kicking butt and taking names today... Read More
Elliott apparently had a rough visit for some reason and that led to a rough night. Here's what happened..... Read More
".......I went to pick up his refill today and it wouldn't go through. Then I heard the dreaded words, there's a problem Mr. Gorski....." Read More
Ferrets have become a real motivator for my kids with #Autism and they do what they have to do in order to ensure that they have time to spend with them each day... Check out how far they're willing to go.....