Resolving Conflicts When You Disagree About Parenting

Parenting is definitely not for the faint of heart. Just when you think you know what you are doing, your child throws you for a loop. Hiding homework. Trying to get out of chores. Getting out all the paints and… you get the idea. What makes things harder is when you and your spouse don’t agree on how to handle things. One parent may be more lenient, and the other harsher. Who is right? Well, that’s the hard part. There is no parenting handbook, no definite rules for every child in every situation. What works for one family may not work for another. And so, you may feel like you are constantly going back to the drawing board. If you disagree about parenting, here are five ways to resolve the…


I’m so grateful to @Healthline :-)

I want to take a second and give my most humble thank you to I have been chosen as one of their Best Autism Blogs of 2017. As usual, I'm in amazing company and you can check out the complete list over at Healthline by clicking here. Thank you again for this great honor and I hope that I can continue to live up to it. :-)   Healthline  


#Autism Parents – 5 ideas to help you take better care of yourself 

There's a whole lot going on during Autism Awareness month. There's a huge focus put on people becoming more aware, understanding and excepting of those with Autism. That's certainly not a bad thing at all.  Having said that, one thing that often goes unmentioned has to do with the parents responsible for raising these amazing people with Autism.  We all know of that raising awareness is important however, I really want to focus my efforts on helping Autism parents. The reason for this is simple. By helping to buildup and support Autism parents, they can put more into their kids with Autism.  This year my focus is on reminding Autism parents to take care of themselves.  Self-care is so incredibly important when you're an Autism parent because the sheer amount…


10 Things all new #Autism parents need to know 

It's not very often that I outright give anyone advice. I may stress the importance of certain things, but I dislike telling anyone what to do because everyone's situation is so different and I'm not walking in your shoes. Having said that, and in the spirit of Autism Awareness month, I thought I would break from tradition and offer some advice for those of you out there, just beginning your Autism Parenting journey. One of the things I remember the most upon hearing that my son had Autism, was a profound sense of my world crashing down around me. I felt like I was unprepared for this new journey and frankly, I was. I was heartbroken, angry, scared, confused and overwhelmed. I didn't know what Autism was, let alone anyone…


How we handle one of our kids with #Autism being home from school

It was a rough night but I did get some sleep and so did Elliott. Having said that, we had Mr. Emmett throw a wrench into our plans today because he woke up not feeling good.  Emmett loves school and so faking an illness to stay home isn't his thing.  His stomach was upset and there was no getting him to do anything. Lizze and I kept him home because we didn't know what else to do. It's really frustrating because Emmett struggles with expressive language in a very big way. Gaining insight into what he's experiencing is no easy task.  Sometimes we can only step back and look at everything as a whole, making a decision based on our best guess.  Emmett's home from school and when one of…


My son’s sensory issues totally kicked my ass today

Mother of God, I didn't think we were going to survive this morning. Everyone was in a great mood and that's awesome. Elliott and Emmett were getting along and there wasn't any fighting whatsoever.  Let me tell ya, that almost never happens.  All of that awesomeness ended the moment it was time to put shoes and socks on. Our mission of helping Emmett tolerate his shoes and socks began about 7:15 am and we finally arrived at the school at 9:00 am.  It took almost two hours to work through the sensory issues this morning. There was so much screaming and panic over how his socks felt funny, I wouldn't be surprised if my neighbors, three doors down could hear him.  We came so close to throwing in the towel and…