I have some good news and some bad news

This is a good news/bad news post because there is good news and some bad news.  I'm going to begin with the bad news because it will make the good news make more sense.  I shared earlier in the week that Gavin's IVIG Infusions haven't been going well.  In an attempt to counter this issue, we switched to larger bore tubing. This should have increased the speed with which the infusions took place.  Unfortunately,  after consulting with his immunologist, the likely cause is scare tissue from about 500 needle sticks to the left and right of his belly button, since beginning the at home IVIG a couple years ago.  The good news is that there is a solution.  The solution is to place the infusion needles in an alternate location. …


Guess who couldn’t sleep last night

It doesn't take much to throw off the routine of a child with Autism.  What throws them off doesn't have to be a bad thing either.  It could be something as positive as a birthday party,  trip to the movies or even getting to spend the night with their Mother.  Emmett is probably the most sensitive to these changes and it usually manifests itself in a disruption of his sleep cycle.  Last night was one such night for Mr. Emmett.  He was unable to fall asleep last night and after a solid attempt on his part,  he ended up downstairs on the couch, snuggling me.


Tonight’s transition was a rough one

The transition has been a rough one. The boys had a good visit with their Mom and that's something that's important to me but the transition is always a challenge. One of the biggest challenges for me is their schedule. As an example,  the boys come home around 5pm without having eaten dinner.  They are used to eating around 4pm and so they are already anxious about the time. Their Mom has a pretty good argument because the boys eat pretty much nonstop throughout the afternoon and aren't really hungry for dinner. That's pretty reasonable... ☺ The problem is with Gavin in particular. He's extremely ridged in his schedule and tends to freak out when there is a deviation. Even if Gavin's not hungry because he's been eating all day, …


How did the boys overnight visitation go?

The boys just got home from their every other weekend, overnight stay with their Mom. For the past year,  these visits have been very difficult for them,  especially where Elliott is concerned. That being said,  the visits have recently made a turn for the better and that's a really good feeling. Today it seems to have gone well once again. That doesn't mean there are difficulties with transition but that's to be expected and is pretty much out of everyone's control. The boys are home and it's good to have them home.  The transition is rough but it's good to have them home. ☺