Wish us luck

We're getting ready to leave for Akron Children's Hospital after a night of little sleep. Lizze and I have both been dealing with insomnia recently and it's making life even harder than it already is. I'm not sure what's causing our sleep disturbances but I bet you a shiny buffalo nickle that it has to do with stress. We are both extended about as far as we physically and emotionally can be. In fact, we're significantly over extended. Lizze can fall asleep but won't stay asleep and I can't fall asleep but will stay asleep, if that makes any sense. Anyway, we're both exhausted and exceptionally grateful that her parents volunteered to keep Elliott and Emmett overnight so we can get Gavin's testing done without having to worry about the…


We have to be at @AkronChildrens Hospital this morning for more testing

One of the things I mentioned that had come to light during Gavin's visit to the Gastroenterologist last month was that Gavin is having a hard time swallowing. Why we were only just hearing about that is just one of the many frustrating things about trying to manage Gavin's health. He simply didn't think it was worth telling us about. WTF?? This kid tells me every bizarre thought that pops into his head and it drives me fricking crazy but when it's something this important, he says nothing. Aghhhh Anyway, in a few hours, we will be heading to Akron Children's Hospital because Gavin is having a swallow study done. This is where he'll be drinking a liquid laced with something that makes it show up on x-ray and they…


How I’m celebrating Memorial Day

The fam and I are heading to the in-laws house for a nice, quiet Memorial Day cookout. Today's an important day and we've been talking to the boys about how Memorial Day is not just a day for cookouts. Today we remember all those who've fought and died for our right to be free. Lizze and I have both had friends and family who've fought and died for our freedom. It's important to us that we never forget them dishonor their memories. We will make sure our kids know the sacrifices these amazing, selfless and courageous human beings have made in order to ensure we have the freedom we now enjoy. Please remember all who have come before us and made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our country. I'm going…

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My Insomnia is back and it’s horrible

I'm currently battling insomnia and it sucks. It's about 7 AM and I've still not been able to fall asleep. I don't know if it's just stress or even depression. All I know is that I'm running on empty and I have way too much going on this week. Part of my problem is that I get really stuffy in my room.. The carpet on the second floor, including our room is really, really old. The padding is breaking down and there's just a lot of dust. No amount of vacuuming can address it. We've thought about ripping it out but the flooring underneath would require a great deal of work. I'm so tired and we have to be at a cookout around 1 PM. That's not a bad thing…


At least his arm isn’t broken

One of the joys of Autism Parenting is trying to figure out when something is wrong with your kid on the Spectrum. Communication issues abound and it can make things more challenging. I had to take Emmett into urgent care for x-rays this evening. About a week ago, Emmett fell at school and scraped his knees. We knew about that but he never told us he hurt his right arm as well. I only learned about his arm a couple of days ago. Emmett has major Sensory Processing challenges and it impacts many areas of his life, his interpretation of pain happens to be one of them. He's been in pain for over a week now but never told us or even showed any signs of being in pain. When…


This #Autism Dad is very much overwhelmed with life

I mentioned in the previous post that I was in a weird place. I also said I would talk about it in the next post because I needed to sort my thoughts and find my words. Here's the thing, my thoughts are all over the place right now and the words to describe where I'm at are still elusive. I'm far from the only person going through this and I'm constantly being told that I express what so many others are feeling but never say out loud. My hope is to help those of you who may read this read this and relate, to take comfort in the knowledge they aren't alone in their struggle. To everyone else, I hope the insight helps you to better understand how special needs…


It’s just that kind of day

It's been sort of a blah day today. No one's in a particularly good mood and everyone seems to be dragging. I've only even seen Gavin once because he's been sleeping all day and that's really unusual. While there's nothing on the schedule for today, there are still things that need done. I've got to get the yard under control. It's only been a week since I cut the grass but it's already out of control because it's been raining so much. I also need to buy a new weed eater because ours is no longer works and can't be fixed. I had to choose between buy g a new weed eater or getting the boys shoes. If you read yesterday's post, you'll know I didn't choose the weed eater.…

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Do you know how much fun shoe shopping is for two kids with #Autism?

Ha.. That's a trick question because it's a fricking nightmare. After we left the cookout, I took Elliott shoe shopping. Emmett decided that he wanted to try shoes again as well. I wasn't really in a position to do both right now but with Emmett, I can't not take advantage of his willingness to try shoes again. That opportunity almost never comes around. In fact, it's been about two years since the last time he was willing to try. Elliott actually isn't too, too bad. He's more indecisive when it comes to shopping. It's not usually that big of a deal but it depends on his mood and how stressed out or overstimulated he is at the moment. Emmett on the other hand is never easy. His tolerance for anything…

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