Why I decided to talk to a therapist last night

I've never been a huge fan of talking to some about my problems. It's not because I'm too uncomfortable do it, it's more that I tend to work through these things on my own. It's just sorta the way my brain works. Having said that, there are people I can talk to if I need and last night I needed to. I met with our family therapist on my own last night and talked about everything that's got me stressed out surrounding my 40th birthday. I didn't realize how much I have rolling around in my head. Some if it's new-ish and some of it has been there a very long time. There are things that date back to my fire/medic days and things that are related to fears over…


There goes the morning

My morning plans are shot because I don't feel well and I'm heading back to bed. I'm really hoping to feel better in a couple of hours but right now, I'm not doing so well.


It’s not about changing our kids with #Autism because we don’t except them for who they are

There's been some discussions lately on my Twitter feed about whether or not you should be putting your child with Autism into any type of therapy. What I'm seeing is parents trying to help their kids and adults with Autism seeming not agreeing with it. I understand the longstanding debate within the Adult Autistic community over ABA therapy but I wanted to take a second and clarify something. I think that since this is such an emotionally charged topic, that it's easy for there to me misunderstandings. I wanted to share what I think and why I work with my kids on the Autism Spectrum. Parents get accused of trying to change who their kids are and I don't think that's accurate or at least the right way to look…

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What will happen to my kids with #Autism when I’m gone?

I've really been struggling with the idea of turning 40 on Friday. In fact, I've been struggling so much, that I've been telling everyone my birthday is on Thursday when Emmett pointed out to me last night, that it's actually Friday. There are countless reasons that anyone would stress out about hitting the big 4 - 0 but for me, there's one reason in particular that's eating away at me. To be honest, I've only realized this because of the back and forth I've been having with some of my readers. Hearing others people's thoughts helps me put mine into frame. My struggle isn't about getting older, feeling older or even looking older. It's not about a mid-life crisis or that I'm second guessing my life choices, although to be…


A chaotic but successful morning

It was a somewhat chaotic morning but we got out the door and off to the first day or school without too many problems. Emmett was clearly very anxious to get to school on time and by contrast, Elliott was more relaxed on the outside but anxious on the inside. Anyway, we had a successful morning and the boys are now safely back in school.

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These 2 things were reminders today that the world is bigger than me and my problems

So I went walking tonight, as I'm doing almost every single night. I'm averaging about 60 miles a month and it feels pretty good. For the record, I weighed in at 308.4 lbs today and that's down from 340 lbs. I would say that most of this weight has come off in the last few months. I'm trying to make it a slow and steady process because if I do, it's more likely to be sustainable long term. Anyway, the last couple of times I've walked have proven to be pretty cool. Aside from the exercise, I have had some interesting experiences. The other day, while walking, this deer just walks across the track in front of me. It calmly walks passed all the people and cars, like it didn't…


We had orientation tonight

Orientation went great tonight. We were there for all of about thirty minutes in total, but it was a quality thirty minutes. ☺ Anyway, we met the boys teachers, most we knew already but some we met for the first time. There are some cool changes this school year, the biggest being that they will have martial arts every day. Emmett's loving that. Elliott, not so much. I feel like we're in a good place to start the school year. I'm not sure what how things will actually pan out but I feel comfortable that the kids are comfortable. Emmett's a bit nervous but he's also very excited. Elliott's just excited, at least on the surface. He may be nervous on the inside and we just don't know it yet.…


Gavin did an amazing job this morning

Gavin did a really good job this morning in regards to his IVIG infusion. He got up early and put it together, woke me up in order to check it and then completed the procedure without any help. For me personally, that's a great way to start the week because so often he struggles with these anymore and a bad infusion sets a tone for the week. Great job Gavin.. Keep up the hard work and keep moving forward.