My resources were completely depleted

I don't think Lizze ever fell asleep last night. Maybe I let her sleep too long yesterday afternoon but she needed the rest. I just woke up and my back is feeling a little better and my stress level has come back down a bit. There aren't any plans that I'm aware of today but as long as Lizze is doing okay, I'm going to sneak out and go walking, because I'm doing really good this month. I've gone 17 times in the last 16 days. If I keep this pace up through the end of the month, I will have walked 80 miles in the month of September. That's truly an awesome accomplishment for me. Anyway, aside from that, I need to grab a few things for this weeks…

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#Depression makes it worse

As the day has gone on, my stress level has steadily increased. The boys are in bed and sleeping. They need their rest after a long day. Lizze and I are watching Jack Ryan on Amazon but I think I'm done for the night. My stress level is at a point where my left eye has been twitching so much that I have a tension headache. I'm overwhelmed, worried and have way too much on my plate at the moment. When I get to this point, my ability to cope is severely impaired. This is when I can feel the out stretched arms of depression reaching out for me. I don't know how to describe it. It's like on most days I can keep my depression at bay. When I…


My #Autism Parenting plate is extra full today

The boys came home and have been an absolute handful ever since. It's nice to have them home but when they're in a place like they're currently in, it sorta undoes the break because they requires twice as much time, patience and energy as they normally do. 😔 Between the ADHD impulsiveness or hyperactivity and it being too late in the day to get their meds, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Lizze has progressively gotten worse as the day wears on. She's trying so hard but the chronic pain is overcoming her today. I finally got her to lay down in bed and I rubbed her back until she was able to fall asleep. I hate seeing her like this but all I can do is try to provide some…


It’s always something isn’t it

The boys won't be home for a little while and after sleeping in, I'm going to go walking. Lizze is in a great deal of pain today, so I'll be walking alone. Before we went to Chipotle last night, we also took Gavin to the garden center. He's been having a lot of joint related issues and we wanted to get him some exercise without overdoing it. Unfortunately, just was few minutes of walking led to issues with his knee. This morning, Gavin informed us that his knee was worse today than it was yesterday. So even if Lizze was feeling better, I'd still be walking alone. 😔 There's nothing we can do about it aside from giving him some Advil. This is most likely Ehlers-Danlos related and until we…


Did you know that many kids with #Autism lack a filter? Here’s a perfect example.

I mentioned in the previous post that we took Gavin to dinner last night cause the boys were gone and we thought it would be nice. We ended up at Chipotle grabbing burritos. Gavin does a pretty good job at ordering for himself but I stayed within earshot because like many kids on the Autism Spectrum, he very much lacks a filter and you never know what's going to cone out of his mouth. What's a filter? A filter is what we call the ability to think something and not blurt it out for everyone to hear, regardless of appropriateness. Some might call it tact but filter is the general term. Anyway, Lizze was getting ready to pay and Gavin was finishing up his order. The person behind the counter…


We had a challenging day but this is why it was also rewarding

We've had a pretty eventful day. The boys did great at school today and that's ways a good thing. ☺ On the way home, Emmett informed us that he was invited to another birthday party, only this time it was less than 24 hours notice. They passed out invitations at the end of the day on Friday for a birthday party the following day. That's kinda short notice and Emmett won't be home. Actually, Emmett and Elliott won't be home. They're going to be at their grandparents. I feel bad and I hope someone is able to make it but that short of notice is kinda hard to work with. Anyway, after picking the boys up, we all went over to my parents house to hang out with my Grandpa…


It’s a good news kinda morning

Elliott made his return to school this morning. He's been sick for the last few days and has been home as a result. Lizze and I were planning on having to work with him in order to get him to go today but he went without a word. We're very proud of him because situations like can be stressful and produce anxiety. I took the boys to McDonald's on the way because they did awesome this morning and I wanted to reward that. ☺ On the way home, I stopped and got my walking done. I've gone everyday this month, rain or shine. I'm already pushing 40 miles since the first of September. I'm doing really awesome so far and I'm hoping to beat last month's 52 miles. I'm feeling…


What do you do when not everyone in the class is invited?

Emmett came home from school today in a really good mood. This was a pleasant surprise because he had to go to school without Elliott and doesn't always do okay with that. When Emmett climbed into the car after existing the school, he said Dad, I need you to interpret something for me. Emmett will sometimes do this when he doesn't understand an interaction he's had with someone. Social cues aren't always his thing, much the same as many others on the Autism spectrum. Turns out the issue was pretty simple. Someone in his class is having a birthday party and Emmett got an invitation. He was clearly excited but also troubled at the same time. Emmett says he doesn't think everyone in the class was invited. He overheard his…