I’m cautiously optimistic

I'm feeling better this morning. I went to bed in a great deal of pain because I keep cutting on tongue on those sharp areas of my teeth. So far, I'm doing pretty good today and I don't feel quite so overwhelmed. Anyway, I need to get in at least 12,000 steps today. That includes at least a 3 mile walk in 20°F weather. I think we're going to put up our Christmas tree this weekend and later on today, we're going to be spending a few hours with my grandpa. That will result in a rather late night for the kids so we're keeping Sunday open. At this exact moment, everyone's in a decent place and getting along well. I'm cautiously optimistic that we're going to have a pretty…


A quick update before I try to go to sleep

It's been a crazy long day and tomorrow is going to be even worse, at least for me. I'll talk about that in the coming days. For now, I wanted to let you guys know how Gavin's MRI went. Gavin is typically super cooperative but can still be difficult to work with. He doesn't do a great deal of thinking for himself and he struggles with following directions, mostly because he simply gets confused. By all accounts, he did amazing this afternoon at Akron General. His MRI took about an hour or so and I wasn't allowed in the observation room or wherever the techs sat during the MRI. I had a chair in the hallway and I waited outside the door. It was fine because I was there if…

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An IMPORTANT update about Gavin’s denied MRI

I mentioned yesterday that Gavin's MRI for Wednesday was being denied by insurance. I spoke with the Cleveland Clinic yesterday and they are working on it. Someone is supposed to be calling me back to let me know if it's been worked out. This morning, Lizze found two pieces of mail that had been misplaced but were addressed to Gavin. We realized that they were both from insurance and the first one we read stated that the MRI was approved. The second letter stated that the MRI was not approved. At that moment it occurred to me that this wasn't conflicting information. Instead it was an approval for the MRI of Gavin's chest but a denial of the MRI for his abdomen. It sorta makes sense now. As it stands,…


It was already a rough day and now insurance is denying coverage for my son’s MRI

As the day has gone forward, my mood has gone straight down the drain. I'm trying to get things done but I keep hitting obstacles that are extremely difficult to overcome. Gavin's a bit talkative this afternoon and I don't have the patience for that today. Thankfully, he's in a good place today and I'm happy to see him with his feet on the ground. It sucks when he's really upset because it's disruptive and scary but it's also hard to see him in distress. A good day is a good day, even if he's driving me nuts with his questions. ☺ I didn't make it out for a second walk because of some problems I've been trying to work through. There's issues with our mortgage because there's a glitch…