My schedule is completely booked today, leaving no room for any complications

It's going to be hella busy today. I'll get the boys to school and have to leave shortly after for Gavin's appointment with his psychiatrist. It's just a regular medication check and I'm not expecting anything Earth shattering. Even better is the fact that it's an in town appointment and our car will survive it. ☺ The only downside is that there tends to be a wait at this office. We should be the first or second appointment of the day so that should minimize our risk but we've waited over 3 hours for our appointment, on many occasions. By that I mean our appointment can be at noon but we aren't actually seen until closer to 4 PM. I'm hoping to avoid that. Actually, I have to avoid that.…


I’m feeling sorta okay about today

We managed to survive the day. The boys did well at school, Gavin's IVIG Infusion went well and Lizze felt a little better as the day went on. I was able to go walking, despite not wanting to go at all. I pushed myself and I'm glad I did. On one of my last grocery shopping trips, I snagged a BOGO deal on roast and I slow cooked one for dinner. Elliott was the only one who didn't eat it but Elliott doesn't really eat meat. He'll eat chicken but he doesn't like much else. He might eat ham if the mood strikes him. Oh, he does like bacon.. Honestly, who doesn't like bacon. ☺ Anyway, it's nice to prepare something like this and at least be able to feed…


That didn’t take too long

The temperature in the house had already dropped over 10°F and took us into the 50's. it was pretty fucking cold. We were making the best of things and putting to use a really nice space heater that Honeywell sent out a few years back for me to review. We weren't sure how bad things were going to get before they got better. I was getting ready to go walking and then pick up the kids from school, when Dominion showed up. While they screwed up by shutting us off in the first place, I have to give them credit because they fixed things pretty darn quick. Our Vivint Smart Home doorbell camera captured the shutoff at 10 AM and they were back out to fix their mistake at 1…

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