I don’t know what we’re going to do because Emmett keeps getting sick when he eats

This post was originally meant to publish on Friday morning. This morning was a fucking nightmare. We're trying to work with Emmett to figure out why he's not feeling well, and at the same time, keep him in school as often as possible. His grades aren't an issue but new, very strict truancy laws are. Emmett woke up this morning and wasn't feeling well. His stomach was upset again and he was unable to eat. We've known about these stomach aches for a long time and we've been treating them as though are related to stress because we've ruled other medical issues out. It turns out that Emmett is getting nauseated everytime he eats. Sometimes this also results in abdominal pain but it's not indicative of anything specific. Autism, sensory,…


3 Things You Need To Do When Your Child is Diagnosed with #Autism (S1 Ep1)

I'm experimenting with something new and I'm really interested in your feedback. Over the years, my main form of communication has always been in written form. Between this blog and social media, I've reached tens of millions of people but as times change, I need to try and evolve with them. Some of you know that I've been involved with several podcasts in the past and it's something that I really enjoyed doing. I'm always getting interview requests to be on other peoples podcasts but have never had one of my own. Most recently, I worked with my good friend Joel Manzer on Autisable Dad’s: Life with Autism. Joel does an amazing job and while I loved working on this with him, time became an issue for me. Check out…


I’m not a quitter but I wonder how long I can keep this up

We had a really rough night with Elliott. He's struggling a great deal emotionally and I don't know how to reach him. He's so angry, hurt and scattered but we aren't sure why because much of what he is upset about, never happened. His perception is often inaccurate and there is no convincing him that he's misunderstood or misinterpreted a situation. He feels that he's not loved or that he doesn't matter to us and I don't even know what to say. Of course he's loved and he absolutely matters. We tell him and show him that all the time but that message seems to be getting lost and that's a problem. We've spoken to his therapist at length about this. She's known us very well since before Lizze was…


A very rough morning for my youngest with #Autism

I took Emmett to the doctor this morning because we're trying to figure out why he's getting sick when he eats. It's been a chaotic morning because I have to be in 3 different places this morning and I'm scrambling to meet all my obligations. Emmett is doing okay-ish right now but we're waiting to get some blood work done. He's very, very, very nervous and if you're an Autism parent, you know how well that's probably going. He's struggling right now and his anxiety is through the roof. This all has me on edge. Hopefully, this will go well enough that we can walk out of the office with any major hiccups. At this point in time, they are checking for changed to food allergies as well as celiac.…


I’m completely overwhelmed by my life and here’s why

I can't even begin to explain how overwhelmed I am right now. Lizze is a hot mess and that's not making anything easier. I don't mean any disrespect by that either because she has no control over any of this. She's been having frequent panic attacks over the last few days. Her migraine is simply unbearable and she's struggling with depression. I huge part of her depression is related to chronic pain. The pain leads to depression and the depression makes the pain worse. It just feeds on itself endlessly. She's nauseated all the time and get sick everytime she eats. If we're to get her any longterm relief from her depression, we have to control her pain and we've not found a way to do that. We're currently waiting…


I’ve found an oral surgeon

I had my consult with my new oral surgeon today. I'm terrified by the idea of having my wisdom teeth removed and even going to the consult was rough. After sitting down with my new doctor, I feel so much better. ☺ He explained the procedure and what to expect. There's nothing even remotely complicated about my procedure. I was worried about the impaction but he said it's not a problem. My top two teeth will take less than 5 minutes each and the impacted one will take about 10 minutes. I'll benefit from general anesthesia, so I'll be completely asleep and will wake up after it's all over with. I'll be asleep for a total of about 40 minutes all together and that's it. I should be in and…


Turns out that -3°F is too cold for school

Shortly before bed last night, we got a message that school was already canceled due to cold tempratures. That means a four day weekend has now become a five day weekend. The kids are excited and that's a good. It's also nice not to have to haul everyone around in those tempratures. Thankfully, all we have today is my appointment this afternoon and therapy for the kids tonight. It's already starting to warm up and we're currently sitting at a scorching 5°F. Hope everyone is staying warm.