Electricity into my lower back

I woke up this morning and my back is completely out. I have a major back injury, and for the most part, I'm okay. Sometimes however, things can get bad, and significantly impact my ability to do just any anything. Thankfully, Lizze is reviewing a portable tens unit and I'm currently zapping my lower back with jolts of electricity. That may sound bad, but OMG does it feel amazing. Hopefully, this will losen things up and allow me to walk today.


#Autism Parenting: Some days are worse than others

We had a really challenging day. Rather, Emmett had a very challenging day, and subsequently, so did the rest of us.  Any parent would gladly take away their child's burden and shoulder it themselves, but when it comes to Autism, there's no possibility of that. No matter what we do, sometimes we just can't help him.  For me personally, this was an emotionally draining day because Emmett was completely out of sorts for most of it.  The main issue for the first part of the day was clothing related. He couldn't wear any shirt. There's one shirt that he can wear, and we can't find it. It's got a picture of a pug wearing sunglasses and headphones. It's nowhere to be found.  His other shirts are bothering his shoulders. He…


Gavin had a bad reaction to his #IVIG infusion

Gavin gets his IVIG infusion this morning, but I'm a tiny bit concerned. When he had his last infusion on Friday or Saturday, he got sick afterwards. He began not feeling well about an hour after it was done.  He soon became sick to his stomach and needed his anti-nausea medication, in order to make it through the night.  Thankfully, he's feeling better today but he had a rough go of it.  I don't know why he sometimes has bad side effects but not all the time. I'm grateful it doesn't always happen but I wish I could nail this down because if I knew why, I could try to fix it.  Unfortunately, it may just be a Gavin thing and there's no rhyme or reason to it. Hopefully, today's…


This sets a terrible tone for the day

It was a rough night. Emmett woke up after a really bad nightmare and never went back to bed. He woke up shortly after midnight, just as Lizze and I were going to bed.  There was zero chance of getting him back to sleep and in order to prevent him from waking anyone else up, further complicating things.  As per the usual in situations like this, we moved to the living room in an effort to salvage whatever sleep I could.  My efforts were fruitless because he never went back to sleep. This of course, sets a terrible tone for the day, that I'll have to attempt to overcome. 

Read more about the article Happy Sunday
A little sunshine......

Happy Sunday

A little sunshine...... I took this picture a few days ago. I manually edited it to remove the background color, or restore the color of the main flower. It depends in how you look at it. Anyway, this took a little while but I'm really pleased with the way it turned out.


Do you agree with this statement? 

The boys are in their way home and I'm feeling slightly recharged. That's about as good as it gets when you're an Autism parent. If you ever get a break, it's never enough to fully recharge.  What you end up getting is just enough of a recharge to keep puttering along. Autism parents expend so much energy on an hourly basis, I'm not sure it's even possible to ever fully recharge.  Do you agree with that statement? Please explain. 


Thank God his supplies showed up

I mentioned yesterday that Gavin's IVIG infusion supplies hadn't showed up. Thankfully, they arrived yesterday, right before the boys left for their Grandparents house.  I showed Gavin how to make sure that he received everything he was supposed to by going over the supply list, and checking things off.  Gavin did an awesome job accounting for everything.  Unfortunately, by the time the supplies did arrive, we had run out of time to do his infusion before he left. We'll be taking care of this as soon as he gets home from his grandparents house.. 

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