The Big Little Brother

I wanted to talk about something that's becoming an issue and will likely only continue to be an issue going forward. I should probably clarify that when I say issue, I'm referring to more of a challenge we're facing. When Gavin was little, it was pretty easy to miss the fact that he was different than most other kids. I don't mean different in a bad way either, just different. Gavin stopped emotionally maturing about the age of six or seven. Until that point in time, his chronological and emotional ages stacked up nicely. Unfortunately, as he's grown up physically, he's never caught up emotionally and so we have a Gavin that has the body of an eighteen year old but the mind of a six year old. It's now…


I took the boys and the dog on a hike today

This afternoon I took the boys and Ruby to the park. We ended up going on a hike that took us about two miles. Lizze is battling the same migraine she's had for about 7ish years now. It's been a rough weekend for her and so we let her sleep. We learned one big thing along the way and that's Ruby definitely need some work when it comes to walking on the leash. Maybe I should consider getting one of these for our next hike? Lol


Why it was such an awesome day

I wanted to share with you all why this week had such an amazing ending. I've already shared one of these things but in case you missed it, check out the video below. What follows are just a couple things that really made me feel good and helped to end the week with a bang, in a good way of course. ☺ When I dropped the boys off at school on Friday morning, I was able to get a selfie with them before they existed the car. Elliott was a bit less cooperative but that's already. He still made it into the picture. ☺ Lately it seems that our mornings are so stressful, we don't even think about doing things like this. It's just get the kids to school…


We had an UNBELIEVABLE surprise today (Must See)

It's been an amazing day and I'll go into more detail tomorrow. I'm not feeling well at the moment and I'm going to try to go to bed early. I put together a quick video, showing you guys the martial arts promotion from today. I'm not going to ruin the surprise but what happened at the end of Emmett's promotion literally had me in tears. It was an amazing surprise and I can't wait to share it with you guys. We're so proud of both Elliott and Emmett. They've worked so hard this year, both inside and outside of the dojo. This was the most amazing day I can remember having in a very long time. I'm so proud... ☺ 💙


I’m super excited about today

I know yesterday was kinda rough for me and that of course, hasn't changed. I can't change any of yesterday's challenges and can't do anything about them at the moment, so I'm going to focus on today. That being said, I'm really excited about today. Elliott and Emmett both have Martial arts promotion today. Elliott's is in about an hour and Emmett’s is at the end of the school day. This means we'll be making quite a few trips back and forth to the school but it's all part of the gig. After the final promotion, we're dropping the boys off at their Grandparents for a couple hours because Lizze and I will be going to a movie. I have tickets to see Deadpool 2 and I'm really excited. Things…

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As he gets older, life becomes more challenging

Gavin spent the night at his grandparents last night and will be gone for most of the day today. As terrible as it sounds, it's a desperately needed break. Every day is a struggle with Gavin and as he continues to regress, life becomes more challenging for him and us as well. The behaviors we are dealing with each day are absolutely exhausting and while we don't blame Gavin for any of it, that doesn't lessen the impact said behaviors have. It's an unpleasant truth but as he gets older, he becomes more challenging and his behaviors more difficult to manage. These breaks are a necessity for long-term survival.


Why everyday life can be so much harder for #Autism families like mine

I was feeling really good yesterday because I had finally been able to purchase the replacement parts for the car. I've talked a bit in the past about how we've been informed that it's no longer worth it to fix our car and it needs to be replaced. That's way easier said than done. Unfortunately, there's a 0% chance of me being able to buy a new car at any point in the foreseeable future and I need to work with what I have. It sucks but that's the reality we live in. The bearings on the fontend went bad awhile ago and aside from what I would assume are potential safety issues, the car makes an ear piercing squeal whenever the wheels turn. It's awful and it's hard to…