You can learn from my mistakes

We've all been cooped up in the house together for way too long because and everything came to a head this afternoon. I basically lost my cool and yelled at Elliott who was pushing my buttons. I swore at him and that is unacceptable. I should have been the adult but I was apparently incapable in that moment. There are reasons for my current demeanor but those reasons only explain why I snapped, they don't excuse it. Anyway, we ended up having a family meeting and hashed some things out. I apologized to everyone for yelling and I'm going to go walking before I take the kids to therapy tonight. I don't really want to go walking but I clearly need the constructive outlet. We have bad weather blowing in…


Resources to Help Kids with #Autism Develop Emotional Regulation

Resources to Help Kids with Autism Develop Emotional Regulation By Dr. Jason Kahn Children with autism often struggle with emotional regulation. Building these skills is part of growing up, no kid is born with these skills. However, for kids with autism, these challenges can often be more acute, leaving parents looking for resources and wondering what they can do to help their kids. A bit of knowledge can help a ton A little bit of understanding can help you empathize with your child and also set expectations. The Center for the Developing Child at Harvard University has a terrific rundown on what these skills are and puts them into context of how they help kids grow up healthy. You can read more here. Likewise, the Child Mind Institute has some…