I feel like I was hit by a freight train and left to die in the tracks 

Emmett has clearly woken up on the wrong side of the bed and is not having a good morning. Shoe's and socks are presenting a major problem today and it doesn't seem like we are able to work through it like we usually do.  I'm feeling like I was hit by a freight train and left to die on the tracks.  All I have to do is get the boys to school and then I can come home and pass out. The only thing between me being able to go back to sleep, is Emmett and his shoes and socks. 


It was a really rough day but we made it

It's been a really long day. I feel like shit and I'm sleeping on the couch because it's the only place I'm comfortable. The couch is really firm and I need that with my back the way it is. Plus, I'm sick and it's easier to fall asleep sitting up, while on the couch.  Thank God there's nothing on the agenda for tomorrow and aside from getting the boys to and from school, I should hopefully be able to rest.  I took some Nyquil and I'm hoping to be out shortly. Once I'm sleeping, I'll probably sleep through the night, unless one of the boys wakes me up.  I'm really grateful because Lizze has tried really hard to make sure I was able to rest today. I know it wasn't…


The boys had a good day at school

The boys had a pretty good day at school today. Everything went well for both of them. Lizze's Mom picked the boys and Gavin up this afternoon and took them to an early dinner.  This gave me a little more time to rest before they came home.  Lizze is not doing well today either because she popped her hip last night.  Anyway, I still feel like shit but I totally appreciate all the help we received today from our family. 


The entire day has been scrapped 

It's official. I'm sick.  I had a rough night because I couldn't get comfortable. I'm so congested and generally miserable. Frankly, I'm so miserable that we had to scrap the day entirely.  My Mom took the boys to school and Lizze's Mom is picking them up.  By and large, I've been able to sleep but it's not restful. I'm probably just going to have to hunker down and wait this out. Hopefully, it'll pass in the next few days...


What Gavin said that just about made my head explode

My goal with this entry is to help provide insight into one particular kind of challenge faced by parents of kids with significant cognitive impairment.  As someone with a background in emergency medicine, I find it particularly frustrating when I need to gather medically relevant information from Gavin.  This is a very difficult situation because Gavin is significantly cognitively impaired and is unable to provide information about how he's feeling or doing.  Today was a perfect example of this and it was unbelievably frustrating for me.  Shortly after dinner, I told Gavin that we've made it past the 72 hr mark and that he should be okay. It was about 72 hours ago that he'd eaten raw chicken and we were watching him carefully for signs of Salmonella poisoning.  After…


Can anyone relate to this? 

People ask me all the time to describe what it's like to be an Autism parent. That's a tough question and I often struggle to come up with the words to help people better understand.  It occurred to me yesterday that being an Autism parent is very my like trying to catch water in a sieve. In my experience, I'm raising kids who's needs are like constantly moving targets.  What works now, likely won't work later and there's absolutely no catch all that would cover my three kids with Autism at the same time..  Trying to meet their, unique and ever changing needs is like trying to catch water in sieve. It's a seemingly impossible task, even on the best of days. No matter how devoted I am as a…

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I give up

After pushing myself to accomplish most of what I needed to get done, I finally gave in and laid down for about two hours.  I feel better having just woken up but I'm still getting sick.  On the positive side of things, Gavin just woke up from his nap and is still feeling great. It's probably safe to say that either there was no Salmonella in the raw chicken he ate or his body was able to fight it off.  Either way, that's a good thing.