….and this is how life is treating us today

The goal for today is to get the kids to a movie. It's Elliott's birthday and we want to do something special to celebrate the actual day.  Lizze didn't sleep last night but I actually slept quite well. I woke up a few times but I'm not sure why. I feel pretty good and I suppose that's what matters.  Gavin's doing well after his IVIG infusion last night and that's always a good thing. Sometimes he feels under the weather, has a headache or feels nauseous after an IVIG infusion.  At the moment, I'm spending some of my energy on housework, in an attempt to make some progress. If it wasn't so fricking cold outside, I'd find us something to do in the outdoors but alas, it's fucking cold. 


Taking advantage of the unseasonably warm weather 

With all the warm weather we were having, Lizze and I have been getting the boys to the park as often as possible. This is from the a few days ago, before the weather turned nasty once again.  If I recall correctly, it was about 60°F when we were exploring the garden center, earlier in the week.  Below are some of the pictures from our little adventure... ☺ 


Check out Emmett’s report for school

Emmett has been getting these assignments from school that are similar to esay questions. This particular assignment had Emmett answering the following question.  Would you rather play outside in the snow or stay inside and drink hot chocolate?  His teacher basically wanted to know if he'd play in the snow or stay inside and do something else. The idea is to get the kids familiar with writing basic paragraphs.  The kids are allowed to type the paragraph and email it because that's teaching them to utilize technology, as well as learn to use Microsoft Word.  Below is his paragraph.  I would stay inside and play with my ferret Fat Tiny instead of playing in the snow. I like to play with Fat Tiny because she’s fat, fuzzy and warm.  I…


I had a tough time corralling my kids tonight 

Gavin had his IVIG infusion tonight and everything went well. I think start to finish, it took roughly two hours to complete.  Elliott and Emmett played quietly in their room until bedtime but were a handful corralling when it was time for bed. They're pretty overstimulated from this evening festivities.  I'm not having a good time trying to get the cooperation I need to get them in bed.  Lizze has been having a rough day with the weather and went to bed after we celebrated Elliott's birthday. She's usually the one that puts the kids to bed at night but I thought I would give her the night off so she can rest.  I may end up with a super quiet house tonight and that means I can get some…


Guess what we’re doing tonight

Elliott had a great day at school today. I picked him up this afternoon and we went to the grocery store because we needed to get his birthday cake. He wanted to pick it out and we didn't have a problem with that.  He was a big help with the rest of the groceries as well. ☺  On the way home, we ordered and picked up Chinese for his birthday dinner. Lizze and I wanted to take the boys to a movie tonight but no one wanted to go and Elliott wanted to stay home and play with his birthday presents.  We decided to celebrate his birthday today, at his request because his actual birthday is tomorrow but we're celebrating with the family on Sunday. It's better to split things…


Gavin tried hopping out of a moving car today

I'm really struggling with Gavin today. He's been off since waking up this morning.  When I took him to get his bloodwork done, he totally freaked me out. I had just pulled into the parking lot and was pulling into a parking space. The car was still moving forward, when Gavin rips off his seat belt and tries hopping out of the car. WTF Gavin? I instinctively yelled at him because I needed to stop him from continuing to try and let himself out of a moving car.  He was very apologetic and I don't think he even realized what he was doing. He was so focused on getting his bloodwork done, everything else just faded away, including the fact that the car was still moving.  A guy can only…


Once again, Sensory Processing issues interfere with life

These sensory issues are absolutely killing me as a parent and I'm not even the one having to physically experience them. I can't image what it's like for Emmett.  We tried and tried to help Emmett work through his sensitivity to anything on his feet but we were unable to make it happen this morning.  It's extremely frustrating for Lizze and I as parents because we know that he needs to be at school. It's even more frustrating for Emmett because he wants to be at school but his body is making that very, very difficult for him.  We were somewhat pressed for time this morning because we were already late, Elliott needed to get to school and Gavin needed to have his bloodwork done first thing.  The bottom line…


Here’s what happened at Emmett’s doctors appointment today

As I shared earlier, Emmett had an appointment with his pediatrician this afternoon for an ADHD intake, similar to Elliott's from last week.  The ADHD intake went just fine. Emmett's ADHD was on full display while we were there. We kinda joked about whether or not I was sure he had ADHD because he was all over the place. 😁  I'm grateful to have such a cool, young doctor because it sorta puts me at ease when the kids are in rare form, like they were today.  The only other thing we needed to have checked out was Emmett's ears.  I explained to one of my readers earlier today that he doesn't have issues with his ears but he tends to be really waxy and it can occlude his ear…