Today is a very special day for Emmett 

On this day back in 2008, Mr. Emmett John was brought into this world, after a hard fought, very complicated pregnancy. He came early, just like Elliott.  I remember being terrified that something was going to be wrong, but for the most part, he was fully developed, happy and healthy. He came home on time but made a few return trips for severe jaundice, and concerns over apnea.  We've been through a great deal with him in his short life thus far, and he's overcome so many obstacles.  He was believed to deaf, and nonverbal Autistic. It took many years but he just started talking one day and hasn't stopped. The Autism part would prove to be true, but it turns out he wasn't deaf, he was simply tuning everything…

Read more about the article What do you think about this busy bee (Photography)
What do you think about this busy bee (Photography) This is the latest photo I was able to snag of a bumble bee, hard at work doing what bees do. What do you think of this shot?

What do you think about this busy bee (Photography)

What do you think about this busy bee (Photography) This is the latest photo I was able to snag of a bumble bee, hard at work doing what bees do. What do you think of this shot?


Why we spent our down time feeling down 

We've had a really long day. It was a mixed bag of good and bad, but it was a day we survived. In fact, there were even some times we thrived. ☺  I mentioned in a previous post that Elliott and Emmett had me up for most of the night. As a result, I got off to a rough start this morning.  Lizze was struggling as well because of one of her health issues.  We had a relatively lazy afternoon because we both felt like shit. It sucks that we had to spend our down time feeling down, but if the kids were here it would have been so much more difficult.  Thankfully, we both felt better as the afternoon wore on. After dinner, we went for a nice long…


All that matters is that they get to go

The boys are gone, and on their way to the Akron Zoo with their Grandparents. That's a bit of mixed emotion for us, because we wanted to take the boys, but all that matters is that they get to go. We'll just take them to the Cleveland Zoo in a few weeks.  As far as how Lizze and I are going to make use of the time, that's changed a bit.  I was able to get some sleep after a sleepless night with the boys. As a result, I feel much better. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for Lizze.  After eating lunch this afternoon, she's now sick to her stomach. This time is particularly bad and she's down for the count. It's a Gastroparesis thing, and will eventually pass…


I desperately need to close my eyes

I've decided what I'm going to do as soon as the kids leave for their Grandparents. Considering that I've been up with both Elliott and Emmett all night long, sleep is on the menu for the rest of the day.  I'm so exhausted that I can't see straight. As soon as the boys leave, I'll be collapsing on my bed.  This is the second night in  row that I've been up with the boys all night, and I desperately need to close my eyes. 


This can really take it out of an #Autism parent

Lizze and I will be getting a break this fine Sunday. The boys will be spending the day, and subsequent night with their Grandparents.  It feels like we haven't had a night off in forever, but it's only been about two weeks. It's amazing how two weeks of raising three kids with Autism can take it out of a parent.  I'm not sure what we're going to do with our time. Perhaps we'll catch up on some sleep. Maybe we'll go for a walk, or catch a dollar movie. The whole point is to have some time away from the boys and devoted to ourselves.  We're so grateful for the time, regardless of how we end up using it. ☺ 


The 45 minutes of #meltdown HELL

Lizze and I took the boys to the park tonight. We even got them to walk over a mile. That may not seem like much, but sometimes it's actually a major accomplishment.  Everyone did awesome while we were there, but we almost didn't make it there in the first place.  Emmett had a massive meltdown prior to actually leaving because he was freaked out over his shoes. He couldn't decide which pair was going to bother him less. This went on for so long that I almost gave up on going altogether.  It took forever to work through this one, because he was so upset. He wanted to go, and was even more upset because he couldn't go unless he made a decision.  We tried for close to 30-45 minutes…


Will this end the day on a positive note? 

I think Lizze and I are going to end the day by taking the kids to the park for awhile. Elliott seems to be feeling better and wants to go, as does everyone else.  Elliott and Emmett will hunt Pokémon, while the rest of us walk the track.. We're all walking the track, but some are chasing Pokémon at the same time.   This will hopefully be a nice way to end the day on a positive note. So long as Emmett will wear something on his feet, we should be good to go.  In the morning, the boys will be going to their grandparents to spend the night. Even if things don't go well tonight, we just have to survive until noon tomorrow.. ☺