Gavin’s latest Lego Creation

Gavin's been hard at work on a new Lego creation today. It's been a long time since he's been creative like this and I'm thrilled to share a couple pictures with you, per Gavin's request. ☺ He's calling this one that Clone Trooper Star Fighter. Can't imagine where the inspiration came from. 😁


Here’s my breakfast smoothie and it’s delicious AF

As I'm working towards healthier choices and losing weight, I wanted to take a minute and show you one of my smoothie creations. In the gallery below, you'll see the before and after. You'll also see the nutritional break down as well. ☺ I specifically chose each ingredient for a reason and I think it's a pretty good start. It's also delicious AF. [foogallery id="64983"]


Awesome news

The boys are having a good day. No ones fighting. There's no screaming and I just feel really good about it. I absolutely love when the boys are getting along and the house is quiet. While we're on the topic of good news, guess what was found? That's right, my wallet. Guess who found it? That's right, it was Gavin. Gavin found my wallet. It was buried in a box of clothes. Turns out he didn't actually throw it away after all and I'm so grateful for that. ☺ I'm not sure if he remembered it was there or he just decided to look, but who cares. My wallet is back and I don't have to replace everything now. Awesome job Gavin.. You're a life saver. ☺


Our plans have changed

Our plans have changed and Lizze no longer has an appointment today. We officially have absolutely nothing on the schedule for today. Lizze and I are watching the news and the boys are playing in their room. Gavin is sleeping off his morning meds but otherwise feeling fine. ☺ I'm going to hit the treadmill shortly and try to get some walking in today.


I need to make sure Gavin’s okay

Lizze has a doctor's appointment today and I'm thinking about making the boys walk the track with me while we're waiting for her. The boys and I will have about an hour to kill and that's more than enough time to take a trip around the track. The signals bad at the park so Pokémon hunting might not work out for them but they need to the exercise anyway. The only problem with this plan is of course cooperation. I'll definitely need cooperation to make this happen. I also need to make sure Gavin's okay as well. I haven't been taking him walking with me lately because his hips keep popping and that's very painful for him. Frankly, even we literally just walk the track without focusing on a decent…


My goals for the next year

My plans for an extended morning walk were changed at the last minute because I forgot about having to do Gavin's bloodwork. I didn't sleep well the night before and that just added another obstacle for me. Anyway, I'm not giving up and whether I go to the track or hit the treadmill, walking will happen. What I'm working on right now is a balance between walking and strength training. I'm still building up to these things becoming habits and until then, it can be challenging to find the will power to push through. My goal is to be down to a healthier weight, further improve my cholesterol, build my endurance, and feel better being me. I'm not striving for perfection and I know I'm going to stumble along the…


How Gavin handled tonight is a blessing

Gavin had his IVIG infusion tonight because and it went pretty well. In fact, Gavin set the entire thing up, all by himself. The only thing he didn't do was please the needles in his stomach. This is a pretty big step forward for him. There weren't any side effects tonight and he didn't complain of being sick at bedtime either. The last few nights he's gone to bed not feeling well. It's nice for him to go to sleep without any discomfort. He's been sick on and off this week. Thankfully, nothing major occurred and we didn't have to go to the hospital. That is a true blessing. ☺


I wouldn’t wish this on anyone

I'm still waiting for Gavin's lab results to come in. I hate these waits and I wish we could receive the results directly from the lab, rather than wait for the doctor to call. It's not like we need anything interpreted. I simply need to know what his numbers are. Waiting for answers like this is unbelievably stressful and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.