I’m overwhelmed and just trying to hold everything together

I'm really stressed out about December. There are so many things going on and I'm afraid I won't be able to pull everything off. Beginning this week, I have a sting of out of town doctors appointments I need to get both Lizze and Gavin to. The appointments are mostly Cleveland Clinic trips and there are ten of them before Christmas. These are expensive and the car is in rough shape. At the same time, the trips have to happen. In between all that, we have to figure out Christmas, get a handle on Gavin's aggressive behavior and still make it to all of our regular appointments. We have a total of 20 appointments all together before Christmas Eve. It's incredibly overwhelming because I'm essentially the only driver in our…


My kids will get their #flushot today and here’s why

I'm going to make this brief because there's no way to reach the unreasonable but my hope is to connect with those willing to listen. We are taking our 3 kids to get their flu shots today. My wife already got hers and I'm getting mine next week. We do this every single year and I wanted to briefly explain why we do this, as well as encourage everyone to at least consider doing the same. A very common misconception is that the flu is no big deal. Many people don't even understand what the flu actually is. We very often refer to stomach bugs as the flu and that's not accurate. The flu is a very common respiratory infection that can be deadly to the very young, very old…


Keeping everyone’s head above water when I’m barely threading it myself

We're leaving in a few minutes because Lizze has another doctor's appointment this afternoon. It's just a dentist appointment and so it's nothing major. I was able to sneak a nap in this morning and that's helped to recharge my batteries enough to feel better. Gavin's been doing well today but he's also been very quiet. Perhaps he's been going on some new missions and that's why he's been holed up in his bedroom. There are still piles of things weighing on me today and the stress I feel as a result is significant. I'm hoping to find a way to process some of these things more effectively because continuing to carry them with me is simply no longer an option. I'm experiencing a large amount of anxiety this afternoon…