My #autistic son gave himself a haircut today

I know some of you may not get how unbelievably awesome this is but I'm sure you'll be excited for Gavin nonetheless. Gavin has made it very clear that he wants to live with peers or other people his age, likely walking a similar path in life. Lizze and I have been talking about this and I feel this is a hugely positive thing, as does she. The challenge is how to navigate this and whether or not Gavin can handle it. Actually, it's more like how much independence is he capable of without serious safety concerns. Obviously, nothing can or will happen until we're in a post COVID world but that doesn't mean I can't work with Gavin to help him reach his potential while we wait. This morning,…

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It all started 18 years ago, at 10:52 AM

There are days that arrive and bring with them a profound sense of consternation. For me personally, today was one of those rare days in my life. There are many reasons why today has so much meaning but I want to focus on the single, most important one. On January 18, 2000 at 10:52 AM, Gavin was born into this world. While I wasn't present at that point in time, Gavin wouldn't enter my life for another year or so. Gavin has faced so many obstacles in his young life. Some of these obstacles were familial in nature while others were physical and emotional in nature. This young man has been through more in his short life, than most people would in two lifetimes. As a family, we've been through…