Gummy worms make all the difference 

I was up to 3 AM last night and I'm completely exhausted. Thankfully, even though we overslept a bit, the boys are being super cooperative. Does it really matter that the cooperation is the result of the availability of gummy worms?  At this point in the game, cooperation is cooperation... Am I right? 


Losing weight while being an #Autism parent is tough – Here’s 10 tips that are working for me

I wanted to share one of the things I'm doing to help with my weight-loss journey. In the time before I had kids or hurt my back, I was a body builder. I worked out seven days a week and loved every minute of it. Fast forward through a major back injury and three kids with very demanding special needs, and I'm no longer in the best shape of my life. 😁  My goal is to lose roughly sixty pounds over the next year and I think that's perfectly reasonable. I want to lose two pounds per week and that's a very reasonable approach. Losing weight too fast isn't always the best thing and I want to give my body time to adjust as the weight falls off.  Trying to…


It feels suffocating 

Gavin keeps following me around today. It frankly feels a bit suffocating and he doesn't seem to pick up on my less than subtle hints.  At the moment, he's in his room and likely sleeping off his morning medications. This will give me a small break and my goodness, is it appreciated.  I'll be leaving shortly to pick up the boys and then we have Dr. Pattie again this afternoon. 


Thank God for this little blessing

Mr. Emmett went to school today. We had some battles this morons with him but that's for another post. Right now, I want to focus on the fact that both Elliott and Emmett are physically is school today.  With everything we have going on this morning, Emmett being home would have made things very difficult.  The boys went to school in good moods and will hopefully arrive home in the same manner.  While I'm still exhausted, I'm so grateful for how well the morning went.  


All the reasons I can’t sleep tonight

I'm having a tough time sleeping tonight. Emmett has been up once or twice already and seeks to glue himself to my person. If we ask him why he's awake, he gets angry and growls.  I will say that on a positive note, I checked his temperature a couple times and he's not currently running a fever. That means there's a good chance he will go to school in the morning. ☺  As for me not sleeping at 3 AM, I'm not sure what to say. I want to sleep but it's been one of those days where I'm feeling overwhelmed by all the things I have to worry about.  Slowing my thoughts down enough so I can fall asleep, is proving to be a real challenge.  I'm hoping that…


#Autism Parents – 5 ideas to help you take better care of yourself 

There's a whole lot going on during Autism Awareness month. There's a huge focus put on people becoming more aware, understanding and excepting of those with Autism. That's certainly not a bad thing at all.  Having said that, one thing that often goes unmentioned has to do with the parents responsible for raising these amazing people with Autism.  We all know of that raising awareness is important however, I really want to focus my efforts on helping Autism parents. The reason for this is simple. By helping to buildup and support Autism parents, they can put more into their kids with Autism.  This year my focus is on reminding Autism parents to take care of themselves.  Self-care is so incredibly important when you're an Autism parent because the sheer amount…


Shareable #Autism Quotes

As I continue my efforts going forward, I want to put out my own little pieces of social media friendly Autism or Autism Parenting related quotes, advice and facts.  Stop the blame game. Don’t even go down the road of searching for someone or something to blame. People often blame themselves, vaccines or even God. So many parents get hung up here, and there’s absolutely no benefit to this, so move forward. Deal with the now, it needs your attention more than the past.                                                                     -Rob Gorski  Please feel free to share this image. It helps spread awareness..…


Making the best out of the cards we’ve been dealt

We got off to a rough start today. Between oversleeping and a decent meltdown, I'm spent. My back is still a major issue at the moment and that makes things worse for me. Thank God for Elliott's level of cooperation this morning. He did really amazing and I couldn't be prouder. Emmett is definitely struggling today and is home from school once again. Gavin is very tunnel visioned and all he can focus on is taking a bath. That's not a bad thing per say, because he's doing this unprotected. The annoying part is when we tell him he has to wait a bit because the bathroom won't be available right away, and yet he continues to ask as though we never had that conversation a dozen times already today.…