My day summed up in a 30 second read

While I haven't gotten much accomplished today, I was able to deal with a utility issue, and get all the paperwork, including PR releases for both organizations involved in our trip. That's not a ton of work but it's done and one thing we can check off our list. On the school front, Elliott finished all his makeup work from when he was sick, and Emmett aced his spelling pre-test, so he doesn't have to take the Spelling test on Friday. He was really proud of himself. ☺ Gavin's been relatively quiet today. I'm not exactly sure what he's been up to but it can't be too bad because I haven't heard about anything yet. We did get Gavin's IVIG infusion done first thing this morning, right after breakfast. He…


My stress level is at infinity and beyond

Today's been stressful because I've not been sleeping much at night lately, Emmett began the day with a massive meltdown, only to have Elliott join him with one of his own shortly after. I have been trying to get everything ready for us to leave but financially, things aren't good at the moment. I very much dislike our bank but moving has not been an option because of the way the kids SSI is setup. I'm exploring a move right now and I'm waiting for a callback, as to how we handle the SSI. As it stands, I get paid the night before we're supposed to leave and that's when we'll be able to get our shopping done, at least whatever we have left. Another problem that I have to…


I wish I was in a better position today

I got almost no sleep last night. I remember seeing 5 AM before finally passing out from exhaustion. Emmett was struggling with his clothes this morning as well. Lizze was trying to let me sleep but there was to much challenge for just one parent. We definitely had to tag team the boys, in order to get them to school. Not fun. Not fun at all. I wasn't in any condition to walk this morning but maybe tonight. One of the things I'm going to be focusing on today, especially since I'm not walking, is my diet and hydration. I'm losing weight again and that feels good. I'm also not feeling the need to stress eat or eat late at night. I have my meals planned out for today already…


I don’t need perfect but I do need manageable

I have high hopes for this week. We have a lot going on and a lot that needs to get done. I'm using this week to get our house ready, so we can leave at the end of next week. My motivation for doing what I don't really have the energy to do is the knowledge that Vivint is coming out on Friday to button everything up, and install at least one more outdoor camera. We don't really have any appointments this week, aside from Dr. Pattie. I'm hoping that things can run as smoothly as possible. I don't need perfect but I need manageable. ☺


Elliott isn’t able to fall asleep tonight

Elliott is having one of those nights where he's unable to fall asleep. Melatonin isn't even helping tonight. He's not bouncing off the walls or anything like that. He's simply laying in bed, unable to sleep. At this point, I told him he could watch Netflix on his tablet for a little bit. I'm hoping that's enough of a change to help him fall asleep. I'm going to try and stay awake until he dozes off but I'm really tired. He's not going to leave his room without waking me up, should I fall asleep. I'm not sure if this is an ADHD thing or not. Be will complain about too many thoughts in his head, but like I said, he's very calm. Do any of your kids with Autism…


Emmett drew himself as a superhero and it’s adorbs

For an art project at school, the kids were asked to draw themselves as a superhero. In my book, these kids are all superheros on their own, but this was much more fun. ☺ Emmett drew himself as Harry Potter. Lizze has been reading Harry Potter to the boys each night and Emmett's a big fan. I love the way he sees his superhero character. He drew the infamous scar and also included his old mohawk haircut from a few years back. I think this is such a cool piece of art and this picture was actually taken by Emmett after school, using my phone. He grabbed my phone, ran back into the school and snapped a few pictures of his masterpiece. ♥ I'm happy to share this with you…


I’m feeling exhausted

The boys are having a really good morning. They're each doing their own thing, and perhaps that's why there's no fighting. Either way, I'll take it. ☺ I'm feeling exhausted this morning, even after getting a decent night's sleep. There are no plans for today except the continued planning of our trip at the end of the month.


Lizze isn’t doing so well right now

Lizze is having a really rough time right now. If you follow our story, you might recall that Lizze has migraines almost every single day. They range from I can breathe through this to someone fucking kill me. The last day or so, it's been really bad and while she's pushed though most of the day, it's heartbreaking to see her in so much pain. She's never really responded to any conventional treatment and even underwent botox, in a desperate attempt to find some relief. Unfortunately, she's in the minority who react badly to botox. By badly, I'm referring to the side effect that can make her migraines significantly worse. While we were with Gavin's neurologist last week, he could see how much pain Lizze was in and was asking…