Weigh-in Wednesday: 9/20/2017 #healthiertogether

Okay, I'm really trying my best to keep making progress on this weight-loss journey. Stress is one of my biggest enemies when it comes to dieting and I'm not always doing as good of a job as I could be. With that said, while I've been met with temporary setbacks, I've also reaped some rewards for my efforts. I actually did okay today. I had pizza for dinner but was under my calorie count for the day, and I drank 128 ounces of water. I was about 40 ounces short of my goal but this is still major progress, especially considering that I wasn't drinking even a fraction of that amount until recently. Hydration is extremely important and I can feel a difference when I'm taking in enough water each…


Why don’t we talk about #Depression?

There's so many things that we as a society talk about all the time. I can't turn on the TV or radio without being inundated with information. Every day, I hear people talk about the latest scandal in the White House, missiles in North Korea, what celebrity's marriage is falling apart or even debating the season finale of a popular TV show.. I'm not going to say that we shouldn't be talking about some of those things because we should be able to talk about anything. As a society, I'd like to think we've evolved enough, that there shouldn't be things we can't have serious conversations about, Depression being one of them. We're at the tail end of 2017, and it's still taboo to talk about getting help for depression,…

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I went to bed super early

I was so exhausted from the day of challenges I made it through that I fell asleep about 7:30 PM, while Lizze was putting the boys to bed for the night. It felt so good to go to bed that early, that is until I just woke up and can't go back to sleep. I think if I move around for a little while, and try again, let be able to fall asleep. Either way, I'm grateful that I was a able to get the extra sleep. ☺


Never Give-up Hope

I finally got the kids home from school today, both had great days by the way. Let me begin with a very honest statement. While I was holding out hope that we would figure everything out for this trip, it wasn't easy, especially when it came to the issues with getting a car to make the drive with. I heard back from Wishes Can Happen and they were able to workout a deal with Hertz for the rental car. It's pretty straight forward but more expensive, and it requires my Dad's help. In case anyone else ever runs into something like this, here's what we figured out. My Dad is going to rent the van in his name, and add me as a secondary driver. He will be reimbursed for…


Who would have thought it’d be this difficult

This whole getting ready for the potential journey to Florida, for Gavin's Wish trip, is unexpectedly stressful. Things are more complicated because we're driving and that complication comes in the form of the rental car. I say potential journey because if we don't figure out the rental car, the trip is canceled. Flying isn't an option, at least not a good one. I can't even imagine taking three prone to meltdowns, kids with Autism, who are terrified of heights, on a plane. When I say terrified of heights, I mean won't even go on the top bunk bed kind of terrified. I can't imagine a scenario where that would end well, for anyone. Even if that weren't a concern, Gavin's health is such that I have no idea how he…


Sometimes I have to really push myself

It was a rough morning with before school meltdowns, that left me wishing I'd ignored the alarm and continued sleeping. Having said that, I want to make the best of what time I have in the day. Rather than giving into my desire to go straight home after dropping the boys off at school, climb back into bed and sleep away the stress, I chose a different path. I dropped Lizze off at her appointment, and went walking with my Mom. No part of me wanted to go walking, but if I don't push myself and continue working towards weight-loss, I have no one to blame but myself. We ended up walking almost four miles before I had to pick Lizze up after her appointment. I feel pretty awesome. I…


Massive Morning #Meltdown

Elliott had a really good morning but Emmett's was pretty rough. He had a pretty massive meltdown over some confusion about when we are supposed to sign his homework folder. He was thinking that since it's Tuesday, we should be signing for Tuesday. We tried explaining to him that we don't sign for Tuesday until he comes home from school and we go through his folder. I explained that we signed Monday's spot and will sign for Tuesday, when he gets home from school today. He was so freaked out, I had to call the school so they could verify that Lizze and I were correct, and Emmett could relax. Even that didn't help him feel better about this whole folder thing. This is pretty straight forward logic, and I'm…


This is a huge victory for us

This will be super short and sweet, because I'm going to bed. For the first time in a long time, both boys went to sleep tonight without any issues. Elliott's been having a rough time falling asleep and Sunday night was really bad. Tonight however, both he and Emmett fell asleep to Lizze reading Harry Potter. This is a pretty big victory, and it means that I have a good chance of getting so sleep tonight. I fully intend on taking advantage of it.