Instead of focusing on my failures, let’s focus on what I got right today

We had a busy day today and while the important things got done, there's a million other things that didn't. I'm currently in the headspace where it's easier to focus on all the things I didn't get done, instead of what I managed to accomplish. It's a bit of depression talking and I know that. While it's not easy and there are plenty of times that I have to actually force myself, it's important that I not lose sight of the positive things going on in my life right now. The reality is that I got both kids to school this morning. That's proving to be difficult thus far because they're both struggling a great deal. I got Elliott to his appointment today and was able to explain to the…


How our trip to @AkronChildrens Hospital went today

We came, we saw, we conquered. Elliott's appointment went as well as expected. Nothing really unexpected came out of today and that's not a bad thing. There are no major medication changes right now because it's best to let the dust settle before we evaluate for any needed changes to his medication or depression management. Elliott does not want to talk about the things that are bothering him. It's going to be a process for him, and we want to help him deal with things in a healthy, positive way. In all the rush this morning, I forgot to give the boys their morning meds and Elliott was in his full ADHD glory. He was a handful and still is but, he did well while we were there. He just…


Hello @AkronChildrens, we meet again

So far, my plans for the day are firing on all cylinders. There's not been any hiccups aside from road construction in Akron. I mean seriously Akron, are you ever going to finish? Anyway, Gavin's been dropped off and Mr. Elliott and I are in the waiting room at Akron Children's Hospital. Elliott's not wanting to talk about the things that may or may not be bothering him, so I messaged the the nurse prior to our arrival so he was aware of what is going on. I'm hoping that makes things a bit easier Elliott. Mr. Elliott has kindly agreed that I can speak to what I know or feel he's going through and if he needs to correct me, he will do that. It's not perfect, but at…


Some good news and our plans for the day

Here's some good news for today. Both boys made it to school, without any problems. Elliott was not thrilled but he cooperated 100% and I'm so thankful for that. The plan for the day is pretty simple. I have to pick Elliott up from school a little before noon, drop Gavin off with my Mom and head up to Akron Children's Hospital. Elliott has a followup in the behavioral health clinic. They are helping manage his depression, as well as handling all his medications for it. They're absolutely fantastic and I'm so appreciative for all they do. I promised Elliott that I would take him to lunch afterwards. He gets very anxious about any and all doctor appointments. As a result, he won't eat until after it's over. So, that's…


Let’s get a couple of f*cking things straight right now

I need to make a couple things very clear. When I said that I would not tolerate any negative comments pertaining to my family's current situation, I meant it. If you leave a negative comment, I will block you from leaving any further comments. I haven't asked for anyone's opinion, judgments, rude comments or marriage advice. I've banned two people today as a result of comments like this. One was so bad that it would devastate my kids if they ever read it. It's dick move and it's very upsetting. More importantly, I wanted to say a truly heartfelt thank you to the 99.999% of you who are respecting my wishes. Thank you so much for your kind words, love and support. Thank you for asking how the kids are…


I’m trying to emotionally prepare myself for what’s ahead of me today

It's going to be a busy day. You already know the kids are home from school because they're struggling a great deal right now. That is taking up the bulk of my morning.. Around noon, I'm taking the kids to my parents house, so I can run a few errands. I have some difficult but necessary things I must undertake this afternoon and I'm not looking forward to any of them. There several divorce related things I must take care of today, and that's not going to be easy. Coming to terms with this is going to be a process that takes time. I wasn't prepared for any of this in the least and so I'm still dealing with the shock. There are things I will talk about and things…


I don’t know what I’m supposed to do anymore

We had a pretty decent night last night. I'm trying to get us into a routine because the more structure I can provide for my kids, the better off they're going to be. Kids with Autism thrive on structure, routine and predictability. At the moment, their lives are chaos and that's making a bad situation worse. Both Elliott and Emmett were struggling this morning, especially Elliott. Elliott's a mess right now and had a difficult time sleeping because he was so worried about school today. I don't know what the right thing to do here is and all I can do is that I feel is best in the moment. It's for that reason, I kept the kids home today. Having said that, there's a plan in place to help…


I thought I’d share some important goals I’ve set for myself as we rebuild our lives

Things have been a bit heavy lately and so I thought I would change things up a bit and talk about some of the goals I'm setting for myself going forward. First and foremost, my main goal is to keep the kids above water until they can swim on their own. That goes without saying, but I said it anyway. I want to make our home as comfortable and accessible for them as I possibly can. That means some work needs to be done but not too much because of another goal a few paragraphs from now. One of my main goals is to make sure I take care of myself. It's so easy to become overcome by grief or get lost in helping my kids, that I forget to…

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