My #Autism Parenting plate is extra full today

The boys came home and have been an absolute handful ever since. It's nice to have them home but when they're in a place like they're currently in, it sorta undoes the break because they requires twice as much time, patience and energy as they normally do. 😔 Between the ADHD impulsiveness or hyperactivity and it being too late in the day to get their meds, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Lizze has progressively gotten worse as the day wears on. She's trying so hard but the chronic pain is overcoming her today. I finally got her to lay down in bed and I rubbed her back until she was able to fall asleep. I hate seeing her like this but all I can do is try to provide some…


It’s always something isn’t it

The boys won't be home for a little while and after sleeping in, I'm going to go walking. Lizze is in a great deal of pain today, so I'll be walking alone. Before we went to Chipotle last night, we also took Gavin to the garden center. He's been having a lot of joint related issues and we wanted to get him some exercise without overdoing it. Unfortunately, just was few minutes of walking led to issues with his knee. This morning, Gavin informed us that his knee was worse today than it was yesterday. So even if Lizze was feeling better, I'd still be walking alone. 😔 There's nothing we can do about it aside from giving him some Advil. This is most likely Ehlers-Danlos related and until we…


Things have gotten so much more complicated

Before I go into anything, I want to begin by saying that Gavin's echocardiagram looks good. Everything appears to be normal and that's really, really good news. Gavin did really well with the testing and was very cooperative. He even tried to carry on conversations with the staff. It was sorta awkward and unrelated to anything that was happening but I love that he tries. ☺ The cardiologist and his staff were amazing. They took all the time they needed to be thorough and make sure we covered everything. You have to understand something about Gavin. He has an insanely long and incredibly complicated medical history. It's very difficult for anyone to sorta jump in this late in the game and hit the ground running. The title indicates that things…


General Update: The Good News and The Bad News

I've been spread pretty thin this week and I haven't written much at all. I'm trying to refocus a bit and get back into the habit but frankly, it seems overwhelming sometimes. I'll do my best to get back on track.  There are a few things that I'd like to update you on.  First and foremost, Elliott finally was able to fall asleep at his normal bedtime hour. The last four or five nights, he's really struggled to fall asleep and wasn't able to until well after midnight. Last night however, he never fell asleep and that's not a good thing.  I'm not sure what was different about tonight but he fell asleep without a problem. Lizze and I are both grateful for that.  Emmett's been Emmett. Shoes and socks…