How did Fergus’s first trip to the vet go?

I got lost in the day yesterday and forgot to update everyone in how Fergus's appointment went. This will be super quick because there's not much to tell. Basically, he's about 6 months old and not really underweight but needs to eat more. We're bumping him up to at least 2 cups of puppy chow for the next few months. Then we switch to adult food. He's clear of heartworms and got all his needed shots. The only problem is that he has a UTI. It's not like super bad but it's bad enough. We had no idea but he's now on antibiotics to clear that up. Apparently, we have to keep that area groomed in order to prevent future occurrences. I'm not sure how we're supposed to know if…


Some sad news about our dog

Maggie is our roughly twelve year old English Staffy. We've had her since she was two years old and she's the best dog anyone could ask for. We have so many amazing memories with her and she's a loved member of our family. Sadly, I fear we're reaching a point in time where we may have some very difficult and painful decisions to make. Maggie is almost completely blind and deaf. She got tumors in several places, including places where they've already been removed. She's becoming very difficult to manage because she doesn't respond most of the time and just wanders around aimlessly, when we take her outside to use the bathroom. Tonight, she fell down an entire flight of step, only stopping when she slammed into the fire place.…

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How Pets Can Help Children with Autism

Image source - They say that a pet is man’s best friend, but they are so much more than this. For a child that has autism, a pet can change their life for the better. There have been numerous reports and studies that have investigated the benefits of bringing a pet into the family home if you have a child with autism. So, in this blog post, the advantages of this are going to be explored in further detail so that you can find out what a family cat, dog or any other animal your kid is drawn to, will bring out the best in them. So, what are the benefits of pets for children with autism? Socialisation  There is only one place to begin, and this is with…


Ruby goes into the vet today

We're about 110% sure that Ruby has worms. Rather than deal with it ourselves with OTC stuff from the pet store, we're just taking her in. She needs to be seen and get her shots for the year, as well as be checked out so she can get fixed next month. She just came out of being in heat and we have to wait at least 6 weeks before having her fixed. I'm really hoping she does well with the vet because tiny dogs can be difficult at times. Aside from the worms, she's doing fantastic. She's too cute for her own good but there are worse things in the world I suppose.. ☺  


Super Adorable Pictures of Our Furbabies

I wanted to take a few minutes and share some of the latest pictures of our furbabies. Animals are a big part of our life and they play a vital role in the day to day with our kids on the Autism Spectrum. It's been a long time since I've shared any pictures but I was able to get some awesome pictures of them today. Check out the super adorable pictures below. [foogallery id="72610"]