When I finally get an overnight break from my kids

I had an overnight break for the first time in a little while. We had a memorial day cookout yesterday at my parents, and the boys ended up staying the night. It's so nice to be in a place where the kids can once again spend time with family and friends. On my time off, I went to visit a friend who lives in the Cleveland area. It's about an hour or so away from me, so not a huge deal. It's really nice to be able to get away from the house and kids for a little while. It's a huge part of self-care and I'm putting a major focus on that. I love my kids but we do need breaks from each other on occasion. I really enjoyed…


The last couple of weeks have been a roller-coaster for us

It's been a couple of days since I've written. Life has been a roller-coaster ride for the last couple of weeks but we seem to have established an equilibrium as of late and I'm thrilled by that. I had to make some rather dramatic changes in their lives but the boys are definitely doing better as a result. School is officially over for the summer and that's a huge relief. They're excited to get back to a relatively normal life. By this time in June, the boys will be fully vaccinated and that will open up quite a few doors. We have made major progress on the outside of the house, which feels incredibly good. The inside of the house is not quite so far along. I think we're going…


A Very Important Announcement

It's come to my attention that someone is stealing pictures of both myself and my kids, and using them to create fake social media accounts. They're using these account to impersonate me and harass people. I'm getting tons of messages from people letting me letting me know they have been approached by this person. First of all, I'm so sorry. I have no control over this but I'm working on it. Secondly, thank you all for looking out and letting me know. Please continue to report and block these accounts if you're approached. Just a little background. This isn't the first time this has happened. This person has been harassing me for almost two years now and has taken to attacking me this way. I don't care if someone comes…

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What’s this week going to throw at me?

We've reached the final few days of what is probably the worst school year ever due to COVID. I'm so grateful that the boys made it through and that in person learning will resume full-time once again this fall. I'd prefer to never, ever do this again. This week is just fun stuff and a time to turn in missed assignments. If this had been a typical year, I would be concerned with the boys grades. The reality is, they survived a global pandemic and still managed to make it to school everyday. Did they put in their best effort, I doubt it, but how many of us adults, just phoned it in this year? I know I did. I'm once again first in line for parent pickup and I'm…


We made major progress today

We have made some serious progress on the outside of the house today. If you are tardy to the party and not sure what I'm talking about, here are the cliff notes. Basically, we are working on the outside of the house. Between COVID and my divorce, I just stopped caring about it. It wasn't vital to our survival, so it wasn't on my radar. It's been neglected and we need to get it brought up to snuff. My dad came over and helped us for a few hours and we were able to get a lot of stuff done. I didn't take before pictures but I did take after pictures. I know, that's not super helpful if you've not seen the yard prior but I'm going to explain what…


Six Scoops and God Only Knows How Many Carbs but Zero Regrets

Since becoming a single parent for the second time 2 years ago, I've tried to really put a focus on family time because my kids felt like their family had shattered. Consistency is so important with kids because it helps them to feel safe and loved. One of the things that I wanted to do was have something like a taco Tuesday, but only two of us like tacos. I wanted whatever we did to be all inclusive and accommodate all four of us at the same time. That's why I decided to do dinner and a movie Friday's. I order dinner and we all agree on a movie to watch. Usually, it ends up being pizza, which is not carb friendly, in case you're wondering. That's okay because I…


I’m so proud of my kids

I thought this was really cool and wanted to share before getting lost in my day. As you may or may not know, Elliott and Emmett have found that they love cooking and baking. Elliott's likes to cook and Emmett likes to bake. They both picked these up during COVID lockdown and do a really good job. Yesterday, Emmett decided to bake peanut butter cookies. He hasn't really baked in a little while and he's been having a but of a rough time lately. Anyway, he decided to bake yesterday afternoon and they turned out delicious. I will admit to eating more than I should have, especially considering I'm avoiding carbs but someone once told me to eat it if the kids make it and just forget the carbs. That…


My most important job is guiding these amazing humans through life

The boys have had a pretty good day today. I wanted to try and do something kinda fun, so when I ordered groceries, I added some things to the list that we could cook on the grill. It's nothing spectacular but it's a change of pace and the boys love cooking on the grill. Emmett physically went to school today for in person learning and had a fantastic day. Elliott is still remote learning full time because his school hasn't reopened and won't until the fall. Gavin approached me this afternoon about learning some new skills that he thinks would be useful for when he moves out. I was kinda caught off guard by his request, and some of the things he wants to learn are sorta random, but I…