Going to the dentist in the midst of a pandemic

It was a stressful day yesterday and not just because it was a Monday. I had to take Emmett to the dentist to get his tooth fixed. I was not excited about that because we were well outside of my COVID comfort zone but it was a necessary evil. His dentist is out of town and that was literally the farthest I've driven since returning home from Orlando last February. Emmett did very well and everyone in the office wore masks. Some wore them better than others and by that I mean not everyone kept their nose tucked into their mask. I felt relatively comfortable with the COVID safety protocol but I would have preferred the avoid it all together. I was right about Emmett's tooth. It is a baby…


Help Your Kids To Take Better Care Of Their Teeth

It’s no secret that your children’s teeth are hugely important aspects of their health. Something that a lot of people overlook is that good dental health is not only important for the teeth and gums themselves, but also for a person’s overall health. For instance, gum disease is very common - but if you have it for an extended period of time, it can lead to heart problems as well as a range of other issues. Likewise, plaque has been found to be related to dementia in later life - even if you have it young. Image Credit - CCO Licence Clearly, it’s important for many reasons to look after our teeth. As a parent, you are going to need to make sure that your children are doing that. Here…


It’s Time To Look After Your Kids’ Teeth

Oral hygiene includes all the actions for the care of the teeth such as the removal of the microbial plaque and the maintenance of an environment that prevents the manifestation of diseases of the teeth, the gums and the oral cavity in general. For your kids, keeping their teeth healthy for as long as possible is going to be vital. During these times, going to the dentist has been prohibited but it’s even more important, during Covid, to look after your kids’ teeth. Once it is safe to go outside, you should bring your kids to see a dentist for professional care. Kids can be tough to convince to go to the dentist, mainly because they think dentists and general doctors are the same; the fear of doctors surpasses kids;…


My kids kicks ass today

We've survived the dentist once again. All three of the boys are cavity-free and in good shape. Elliott was so nervous that I thought he was going to bite the dentist's fingers off, but he also did really well. In other news that's positive, there's a chance that Gavin won't need his wisdom teeth out. That's hugely positive because I think that surgery would be very complicated for someone like Gavin, who has serious health complications. We don't have to make any decisions right now, but we'll reevaluate in six months at his next visit. I'm so proud of all three of my kids. The dentist is not a sensory-friendly experience and many Autistic kids really, really struggle with it. My guys are no exception to that rule but they…

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Taking my 3 #Autistic kids to the dentist

The boys did great this morning. Everyone got up without a hassle, and that's saying something for Elliott. I typically have to drag him out of bed, but he did awesome today. They all did awesome. We're going to be heading out shortly and I'm hoping that this level of cooperation continues because it makes life so much easier. I'm praying that these appointments go well. I've been working closely with the loss to brush better. I feel like they're in pretty good shape. Fingers crossed but feeling confident.


Why my kids with #Autism hate the dentist

We survived another trip to the dentist, with two of our kids with Autism. Part of the problem with dentists, and at least my kids on the spectrum, is sensory in nature.  There are so many strange smells, sounds, tastes, and even lighting at the dentist office. That alone can take a toll on a kid with sensory issues.  Then you need to factor in anxiety, and someone shoving fingers in their mouth, with scary tools. In many ways, that's a perfect sensory nightmare, worthy of Stephen King.  As far as today went, once we arrived in the waiting room, Elliott was really upset. He was scared, and it was made worse by the fact that he had to wait about twenty minutes before being called back. Anxiety is not…