It was an early start to the day 

It's been a pretty early start to the day.  I moved to the couch because it was cooler downstairs. That apparently sent Emmett's Spidey Sense into overdrive because he came racing done the steps to find me.    He's not going back to sleep and he also won't sit on the other couch. He has to squish himself between me and the couch.  Emmett doesn't like sitting alone for some reason and it makes for very little alone time for Daddy. lol


I’m feeling more hopeful 

I'm really trying to get my feet underneath me again. This single Dad thing was never something I imagined ever doing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining because I couldn't live without my kids in my life everyday, even if they do drive me nuts.. lol Sometimes life can throw a sucker punch from somewhere in the back and knock the wind out of you. That's sorta how I feel.  Taking everything into account, I'm holding up pretty well. The boys are dealing with a ton of shit right now but they're treading water on most days and sometimes they even make their way closer to shore.     That's a very positive thing and I try to always keep that in mind. 👍 I've been feeling pretty good lately.…


Taking on the school over Common Core and standing up for my kiddos with #Autism

It was a tough morning as evidenced by this being my first post of the day. lol Emmett was not wanting to go to school again and didn't even want to try  putting his shoes on. It took a little while but I convinced him to let me try and we finally got them and feeling acceptable.  Fast forward past my morning workout and Gavin's IVIG infusion.  I'm now waiting to go into thto school, pick up the boys and have a meeting about this Common Core nonsense that freaking my kids out and making my head want to explode.     The goal here is to make every effort to ensure my kids can learn the way that they need to, in order to be as successful as they can…


I finally made a very difficult decision in regards to my son with #Autism

When you are raising a child with Autism, there are so many things you must do and even more decisions that must made. Many of these decisions are far from easy and end up not actually having a right or wrong answer.     One of the biggest battles in regards to raising children with Autism, is easily their education. Trying to navigate the convoluted educational system is not for the faint of heart. All too often, it's ill equipped to deal with kids on the Autism Spectrum and parents must literally fight for every last thing their child needs. I've had to make many decisions over the years in regards to my kids education.  Of all those decisions, none have been as difficult as the one I've had to make…


We had some truly awesome news today 

There's a great deal I could say about today but let's just focus on positive things that came out of today.  The single biggest thing that came out of today was Maggie having surgery to remove a tumor from her leg. We were all very concerned because she's getting old and there are always risks with surgery.     Maggie did really well and was up and moving around so well that they ended up letting her come home earlier than planned.  The giant stitched up hole in her thigh doesn't seem to bother her in the least and it certainly isn't slowing her down any. The location of the tumor was in an area of looser skin so walking and running have no impact on the stitches.  She's on pain…


This is the greatest thing you’ll see all day

We all know that bullying is a problem and problem is a gross understatement. You have to see what happens when a school bully jumps a blind student. I don't condone violence but I have to admit that I wish this would happen to every bully in every school. If it did, bullying would no longer be an issue. It's so awesome to see other students jump to the aide of the victim and stand up for what is right. After watching this, my faith is renewed in our younger generation. This was the greatest thing you'll see today... Please note that there is some colorful language but it's justified.


Here’s some awesome news :)

Maggie was dropped off at the vet's office a little after 7am this morning. She's will be having surgery on her front right leg to remove a large rumor that bares all the signs of cancer.     I found a new growth on her back last night but the vet said it was just a common cyst and nothing to worry about.  Anyway, I talk to the vet's office about an hour ago and Maggie did great. The tumor was removed and she's already up and moving around. She won't be ready to come home until dinner time but she's fine.  As for the tumor and whether or not it's cancer, we may never know and here's why.  The surgery itself was costly enough and I barely pulled that off.…


We could use your thoughts and prayers today

My family is battling enough but now we are adding to it the fact that our beloved dog Maggie, is going in for surgery this morning to remove what is very likely a cancerous tumor on her right leg.  I've explained to the boys what's going on, without mentioning cancer. They don't need to carry that burden right now.  Tonight as I was brushing Maggie, I found another lump. This one is on her back and right in the middle of her spine. That wasn't there a week or so ago and that's concerning.  I'll let the vet know in the morning and we'll decide what to do.  Maggie's 10 years old and so she's getting up there in age and surgery becomes more risky.  Anyway, please keep her and…