I’m at a massive disadvantage today
Do you ever look at your kids through the eyes of total exhaustion and feel like you're at massive disadvantage?
Do you ever look at your kids through the eyes of total exhaustion and feel like you're at massive disadvantage?
Stop by and read my thoughts on how this quote apply to my life as an #Autism parent. If you like, agree or cam simply relate, please pass this along so others can see it as well.
Please take a moment and add your thoughts to comments below the original blog post. I want my readers to be able to use this post is a reference or teaching tool. My ultimate goal is to have this help the people around us to better understand why #Autism Parenting is so exhausting...
If you're an #Autism or #SpecialNeeds family, struggling in more ways than one and have ever felt guilty for not having the means to do something for your kids, this post is for you.
Has your child with #Autism ever had the hiccups? How did they react to this?
The way our day ended was way better than it began
"Emmett had surrounded himself with pillows and wrapped himself in my blanket. Only his precious little head, sporting the glasses he never takes off, was showing."