I’m a bit on edge today

We've got a really busy day ahead of us. Lizze has an appointment in Akron and it seems like they're running behind, at least a little bit. Gavin is with my Mom and if need be, the boys will be picked up from school by her as well. We aren't sure what time we will be getting home. It was going to be a close call to begin with but considering there are several people ahead of us and our appointment time was 10 minutes ago, it's gonna be awhile. 😔 Depending on how this goes, we may have a few stops to make on the way home. I'm tired and stressed out. I've been fighting a headache and I have a huge knot on the back of my neck.…


The #meltdowns were frustrating but I feel like we won the day anyway

As with every other Tuesday night, the kids had therapy tonight. The bulk of it was focused on Elliott and trying to help him. I'm not sure if we really got anywhere with him because there are some significant issues with perception we're trying to overcome. The way he perceives things is sorta skewed and inaccurate. This leads to issues with communication and that's been leading to problems. While I don't think anything was resolved tonight, I want to give Elliott some serious credit for willingly sitting down and having a conversation about all of this. ☺ 💙 I know he didn't want to talk but he was very cooperative and did a great job of expressing himself, in what was a very emotional situation for him personally. I'm very…


Please just stop it already

I'm feeling a bit frustrated this morning. If you follow me on Twitter, (if not you probably should 😉) you may have already seen my little rant/purge this morning. I thought I would explain my frustration here because it's easier than doing so in 280 characters. While I don't often talk about this, I've built up a decent following over the years. I'm verified on both Twitter and Facebook (which isn't easy) with much larger followings than the average person. I only say this to provide some context for this post. I've worked very hard to build this platform and I do my very best to use it for the betterment of the community as a whole. At the same time, it's also my job and because I'm a work…


3 down and who knows how many left to go

Shortly after my last post, Gavin came running down the stairs to let me know that he thinks we caught another squirrel in the attic. I checked the camera and he was right. The trap hadn't even been baited and set for even hour before we caught this one. As I removed the trap, there was at least one more running around. Gavin and I went to release it before I dropped him back off at home and picked up the boys from school. I didn't have time to re-set the trap in order to try and catch the rest. I'll do that when I get home. Hopefully, I'll catch at least one more before we pull the trap for the day. We don't like to leave it up at…


While we had some #meltdowns, I feel like we did pretty well this weekend

We had a pretty good weekend. I mean, we had our moments but all things considered, it was pretty good. The most exciting thing to go on this weekend was trapping squirrels in our attic. There were a few meltdowns and I some less than stellar parenting moments but we survived. Lizze is unfortunately, dealing with the return of her migraine. It's not as bad as it was previously but it's worse than it was after her headache infusions. We're waiting to see if her prescription for the Cefaly device is covered by insurance. We have the preventative one but Lizze needs the one that acutely treats the migraine she currently has. All the paperwork has been submitted. In fact it was all submitted while I was waiting for Lizze…


If it’s not one thing it’s another

If you recall last summer, we had an issue with racoons in out attic. When we took the storm damage to our house, a few months ago, that sorta solved the issue with the racoons because the only way they could enter the attic was removed. Insurance covered most of the repairs and while there was still a mess inside the attic to contend with, the racoons were gone. Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of it. We now have squirrels in our attic. Apparently, the window in the back room of the attic has blown out. The entire window needs replaced and I mean removed from the wall and a whole new window installed. That's how the squirrels are getting in. We never go into the attic and we never…


Why are #Autism parents Judged so Harshly? (S1E5)

If you're an Autism or Special Needs parent, you are probably all too aware of what it feels like to be judged by those around you. My wife and I are no exceptions. I know how bad it feels to be judged and I see how badly others are impacted by this as well. Because this impacts so many people, I wanted to devote an episode to talk about judgment. It's so important to help people understand how their words and actions can impact others. Give this a listen and then pass it along to someone who could use the insight or would benefit from being reminded that they aren't alone.. ☺


Why it’s so hard to cook for my #Autism family

Good morning folks. ☺ Last night before bed, I decided to do something this morning that I haven't done in a long time time. I know this is going to sound weird but I haven't cooked a family breakfast in I can't tell you how long. Sounds terrible doesn't it? Honestly, yes and no. The reality is that I love cooking. I love cooking for my family. That's not the issue here. The problem has been that my family is very, very, very difficult to cook for because of all the sensory related food issues. I used to try and cook three meals a day but it became too much. It wasn't just cooking three meals, it often meant cooking a unique meal for each person in the house, three…