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Seeing the ocean for the very first time in their young lives. Unbelievable experience..

Seeing the ocean for the very first time ever

Seeing the ocean for the very first time in their young lives. Unbelievable experience. I wanted to share the picture I took as the boys touched the ocean for the very first time ever. :-) So grateful to Wishes Can Happen for making this happen. :-)


Emmett’s struggle with #Autism is getting worse

I hate to even think this, let alone verbalize it but as time goes on, Emmett's struggle with all things Autism seems to be getting worse. Everything sensory related is so much worse than it's ever been before. His threshold for dealing or coping with these things is almost nonexistent on some days. This is very frustrating for everyone because it means that so many things are more challenging than ever before. I should probably clarify that it's the symptoms of Autism that are worsening. Unless you're dealing with CDD, Autism itself doesn't usually get worse. The symptoms, on the other hand, can, especially when a child is under stress or duress. We are working with Dr. Pattie to help Emmett better navigate his world. This is a major challenge…


Dear #Autism Parents: Please don’t ever give up

I wanted to take a minute and send out some positive words to all my readers. I've been getting emails lately from people who are really struggling with all or part of the challenges associated with being an Autism parent. Everyone's situation is different and while my situation may seem like it's way worse or more challenging than yours, that doesn't mean it is. It's so important to remember that everything is relative and we all have our strengths, as well as weaknesses. Everyone's situation is unique and the challenge is very real. I can't fix anything for anyone. I can't even fix things for my own family, and believe me, I've tried. The reality is, all I do is manage the challenges put before me. Some days I do…

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I swear to God I can’t keep doing this

It was a Hellacious morning in this Autism house. Between sensory processing issues and a black and white view of the world, this morning was an absolute nightmare. Emmett really struggles with clothing because of sensory processing issues. He's been wearing this one particular pair of shorts all year. They're the only ones he's comfortable wearing and we haven't been able to find another pair that he tolerates. Unfortunately, it was in the 30's this morning and shorts are no longer appropriate, at least for today. We tried about six pairs of pants and nothing was comfortable enough for him to tolerate. I eventually found a blue pair that I asked him to at least try on to see if they fit. They fit perfectly and aside from the buttons…


How I managed to improve everyone’s mood today

The boys both had great days at school. They came home in bad moods because they were at each other's throats on the car ride back. I decided to get the whole family, including Lizze, out of the house for a short while and we went to the Canton Garden Center. Lizze is still very much under the weather, but I thought some fresh air and sunshine would do her some good. We were able to enjoy some beautiful Fall weather, changing leaves and gorgeous Fall flowers. There were tons of butterflies to take pictures of as well. ☺ Everyone came home in a great mood. Elliott even sat down for almost an hour and worked on his makeup work. A change of scenery is sometimes the best thing you…


Should I worry about this, because I don’t know

Gavin and I went to get the damages to the car looked at today. Incidentally, there was over $1,500.00 in damages because some asshole felt the need to fuck with our car. That's really frustrating but at the end of the day, the car is a thing and what I'm about to share with you is so much more important. While we were on the way to have the car looked at, Gavin unloaded everything that had recently happened on me. You've heard of people having a dream inside of a dream right? I don't know how common that it but I've had dreams inside of a dream before, as have many others. The reason I ask is because understanding that will help you to better wrap your brain around…


Confessions: So this happened today

This is one of those really honest posts and I only share it to put our lives in better context, as well as showing others that they aren't alone. This morning started off on a great foot, but has gone down him rapidly since. For the first time in a long time, we have had our gas shutoff. My account is really screwed up at the moment. Some of if is my fault and some of it is billing on their end. When I paid on my bill about a month ago, and accidentally paid $865.00 instead of $86.50, my bank eventually reclaimed the funds for me. The gas company see that as I paid $865.00 and the check was returned. While technically that's true, I accidentally paid the incorrect…