An update on the bullying situation 

I wanted to shoot an update through the channels and let everyone know how we're doing with the bullying situation that's recently come to light.   I'm really happy to be able to say that since our meeting this week at the school, the changes made have had a very positive impact. The biggest change that has been made is the proximity of where this classroom bully now sits in regards to where Elliott sits.   A little distance seems to be really helping.   Elliott has reported that things have gotten better for him. He hasn't been assaulted by this kid for most of the last school week and that's a big change for the better.  He was getting stabbed/scratched/hit with pencils on what seemed like a regular basis.…


What the hell just happened? 

I have no idea when you'll be reading this because I have no idea when my server will be restored. Bluehost has had a massive outage and my server has been down for the longest period of time since I started blogging over eight years ago.  I've been sorta lost cause I always write before going to bed and tonight my routine has been thrown off. Anyway, I hope this outage gets resolved ASAP.  


Meltdowns and the patience required to survive them as parents

We had one of those mornings where every single ounce of energy is spent just trying to get the boys off to school.  The morning began with Elliott refusing a bath. He woke up this morning and his hair needed to be washed. He must have been sweating last night cause his hair was greasy and needed washed before school.  He battled us pretty hardcore over this but did eventually comply.  We've told him that if he doesn't keep up with his long hair, it's going to get cut much shorter.  What we experienced next made Elliott's struggles this morning seem like walk in the park. Of course, I'm referring to Emmett and his shoes.  Emmett was really, really struggling this morning because he wouldn't tolerate anything on his feet.…


I have awesome news you’ll want to read

It's been a long day but there's been some positive things that have occurred and I'm happy to share them with all of you.  For starters, Emmett went to school without much hassle. He ended up having to wear in flip flops in weather that's far too cold but he went to school. We packed his socks and slippers, should he need them and he was only outside for a few seconds.  On the way home, it was colder than this morning and Emmett wore his slippers for me, without any issues.  Awesome sauce.. ☺  It's also important to note that while Elliott still gets unkind words thrown in his direction at school, there's been no further physical assaults. The significance of this cannot be overstated.  This is major good…


My day so far

I've been battling a little bit of insomnia for the last couple of nights.  I've been under a fair amount of stress lately and it's been hitting me in the sleep department. It's been hitting me pretty bad...  I had a busy morning that didn't slow down just because I was exhausted.  My Dad came by super early to help transport the exhaust system that broke off the car, over to the shop that was going to fix it. I had the car to the shop by 7:30 am and from there, waited for my ride home.  My Mom took the boys to school and then swung by to pick me up. On the way home, we both needed to hit the grocery store.  I was got some groceries and…


BAD NEWS with a positive twist

I shared with everyone last night, some of the things that have happened in the last day or so that have me stressed out and overwhelmed. This morning I want to share a couple updates that will help to better put our lives into perspective.   Aside from having to figure out this bully situation with Elliott at school, there was the issues with our checking and PayPal accounts, as well as our car being out of commission.  If you look a few posts back, you'll be able to read all about how the meeting with the school went, how we felt about it and where we go from here.  That's pretty much that in regards to school issues for now.  Our car is still out of commission, and almost…


Guess who fell asleep in their own bed tonight

Much of the news tonight is of a very positive nature, and that feels awesome.  We ended our night by discovering that Mr. Emmett had fallen asleep in his own bed for the first time in I don't know how long.  This is huge for us because it's been a struggle.   I realize it's only been one time but that one time means it's possible and possible gives me hope that we'll be able to work through this challenging situation with our youngest.  Awesome job Emmett...  ☺ 💙 


I’m so proud of my son for making a positive change

I wanted to drop a quick note and share that I think we're making some progress with Elliott in regards to homework.  Every day this week, he's come home and done his homework with little or no issue. We started a new routine where he simply does his homework after he gets home from school because there is no screen time until he does.  There was resistance at first, but he's come around.  Nothing with autism comes without persistence and a shit load of patience but when it arrives all the effort was totally worth it. Kudos to Elliott for working through this making a positive change... ☺